Philosophy Events | Browse by Department (2015)

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Tuesday, April 14th
9:00 AM

Frazee Dream Center (Greenville, SC)

Samantha Menapace

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Lowcountry Fly Shop (Mt. Pleasant, SC)

Brighton Ernest

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

10:30 AM

Philosophy Presentations

In Defense of Genre-blending

Sean McBratnie

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 128


Department Organized Oral Session

Philosophy Presentations

Semantic meaning: an inquiry into offense within feminist literature

Caley Howland

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 128


Department Organized Oral Session

1:00 PM

Philosophy Presentations

The Devil Went Down to South Carolina: A Philosophical Reflection on Evangelical Christian Views on God and Politics

Judith Carlisle

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Furman Hall 128


Department Organized Oral Session

Philosophy Presentations

The Search for Certainty: An Analysis of the Nature of Incorrigibility

Ian Richardson

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Furman Hall 128


Department Organized Oral Session

Tuesday, April 12th
10:30 AM

Philosophy Research

Got Disgust? The Affirmation of Underdeterminancy and Sociality of Definitions.

Judith Carlisle

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Philosophy Research

The Impact of Reading Fiction

Kieran Cook

10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

1:00 PM

“What Do We Owe Strangers?: Assessing the moral and environmental implications of globalization”

What Do We Owe Strangers?

Hannah Dubois
Paul Flournoy
Kathleen Smith
Amy Trad
Noah Zimmermann

1:00 PM - 2:20 PM

Furman Hall 128



Tuesday, April 4th
10:30 AM

Race and Marriage

The Philosophy of Marriage Law: A Critique of Elizabeth Brake's "Minimal Marriage"

Emma Gibson

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Race and Marriage

Understanding Myself as a White Woman: the intricacies of my role in the fight against racism

Neely Wood

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

1:00 PM

Morality and the Life Well Lived

Disgust, the "Civilized" Emotion: Moral Disgust, Necrophilia, and the Law

Sabrina Boone

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Morality and the Life Well Lived

Levinas, Hospitality, and the Possibility of Authentic Life

Maia Wellborn

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

2:30 PM

Sexual Ethics

"Ain't I a Bitch"

Chelsea Dawson

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Sexual Ethics

Sex Education, Rape Culture, and Sexual Assault: The Vicious Cycle

Anna Lanford

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Sexual Ethics

The Benefits of Friends with Benefits: Why More Women Should Enter into FWB Relationships

Madison Dennis

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Tuesday, April 10th
10:00 AM

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 1A

Dealthlessness, Immortality and Personal Identity

Lynne Waheeba
Rebecca Bolich

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 1A

Kierkegaard and Mother Teresa: Dark (K)nights of Faith

Bonnie Williams

10:00 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Legal and Non-Profits

Open Field Internship

Joseph Watson

10:00 AM

Johns Hall 105

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

11:15 AM

Education and Politics; International and Business Internships

Furman Athletics-Littlejohn Internship

Abby DeMare

11:15 AM

Johns Hall 201

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 2

Mass Shootings: Masculinity, Not Psychosis or Psychopathy

Hannah Wilder

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 118


Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 2

Upstate Stakeholder Conceptualizations of Sustainability: Theoretical Views, Lived Experiences, and Policy Outcomes

Chambers English

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 118


Individual Oral Presentation

1:15 PM

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 3

Guardians of the Genre: Genre Classification and the Narrative Experience

Mollie Foster

1:15 PM

Furman Hall 118


Individual Oral Presentation

Interdisciplinary Research Presentations Group 3

Justificatory Convergence in the Public Sphere: Can Liberalism Survive its Postmetaphysical Turn?

Bryan Colhoun

1:15 PM

Furman Hall 118


Individual Oral Presentation

Politics in the Age of Trump

Nascent Ambition and Athletics

Abby DeMare

1:15 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Tuesday, April 9th
9:45 AM

Philosophical Reflections I

Critique on Kant's Conception of Race

Sarah Rinker

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 126


Department Organized Oral Session

Philosophical Reflections I

Liturgy as Lived Trust: A Phenomenological Analysis

Eli Simmons

9:45 AM

Furman Hall 126


Department Organized Oral Session

11:15 AM

Philosophical Reflections II

Beauvoir: Ethics with the Problem of Solipsism

Jordan Markezich

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 126


Department Organized Oral Session

Philosophical Reflections II

Conceptualizing and Communicating with the Other

Patrick Burton

11:15 AM

Furman Hall 126


Department Organized Oral Session

3:00 PM

Table 12: Environment/Ecology

Canadian Parliament

Jay Watson

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway


Individual Oral Presentation

Table 4: Urban Studies/Consulting

Internship with McGuire Woods, LLP

Nathaniel Bilodeau

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway


Individual Oral Presentation

Table 12: Environment/Ecology

Wildfire and Wildlife: Summer in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of the Rocky Mountains

Chambers English

3:00 PM

PAC Hallway

Earth and Environmental Science

Individual Oral Presentation