In this paper we estimate xtn (S3 (p, m)), the n-extent of various lens spaces. We give numerical evidence for extending certain results of D. G. Yang [Duke Math. J., 74 (1994), 531-545.] to primes p between 11 and 37. We explain the implication of our results for the topology of 4-dimensional manifolds of positive sectional curvature with nontrivial isometric Zp-actions.
Faculty Advisor Name
M. Kalka
Faculty Advisor Institution
Tulane University
Second Faculty Advisor Name
D. G. Yang
Second Faculty Advisor Institution
Tulane University
Suggested Mathematics Subject Classification(s)
Recommended Citation
Paul Jung, Tucker McElroy, and Jason Samuels, The n-Extent of S3(p,m), Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics, 1 (2016), 1-11. Available at: https://scholarexchange.furman.edu/fuejum/vol1/iss1/1
Research supported by NSF Grant number DMS9423945 under the REU program. The authors would like to thank professors M. Kalka and D. G. Yang for their invaluable help with this project.