In [BJRTD08], necessary and suffcient conditions were given for the existence of Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths and circuits in the G-graph of the dihedral group Dn. In this paper, we consider the G-graphs of the quasihedral, modular, and generalized quaternion group. These groups are of rank 2 and we consider only the graphs Γ(G, S) where |S|= 2.
Suggested Mathematics Subject Classification(s)
20F05, 05C25
Recommended Citation
A. Dewitt, A. Rodriguez, and Jennifer Daniel, Paths and Circuits in G-Graphs of Certain Non-abelian Groups, Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics, 13 (2016), 1-7. Available at: https://scholarexchange.furman.edu/fuejum/vol13/iss1/1
Author is partially supported by a CURM mini-grant funded by the NSF grant DMS-0636648.