"Planar Double Bubbles on Flat Walls" by G. Christopher Hruska, Dmitriy Leykekhman et al.


In this paper, we investigate some properties of planar soap bubbles on a straight wall with a single corner. We show that when a wall has a single corner and a bubble consists of two connected regions, the perimeter minimizing bubble must be one of the types, two concentric circular arcs or a truncated standard double bubble, depending on the angle of the corner and areas of the regions.

Faculty Advisor Name

Joel Foisy

Faculty Advisor Institution

State University of New York, Potsdam

Suggested Mathematics Subject Classification(s)

49m, 51m


This paper is the work of the Geometry/Topology Group at SUNY College at Potsdam, Summer 1997, a National Science Foundation site for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. For a period of eight weeks, each of four students of the group worked on this project. At the time, Pinzon was an undergraduate at Cornell University, Shay was an undergraduate at SUNY Potsdam, Leykekhman was an undergraduate at New York University, and Hruska (group leader) was a graduate student at Cornell University. Professor Joel Foisy of SUNY Potsdam was the adviser of the group. Professor Armond Spencer of SUNY Potsdam inspired work on this problem. Support for the project was provided by the National Science Foundation, SUNY College at Potsdam, and Clarkson University.

Included in

Mathematics Commons



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