Furman Magazine
Volume 43, Issue 3, Fall 2000
Complete Volume
Furman Magazine. Volume 43, Issue 3 - Full Issue
Furman University
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Furman University
Currents of Change
Jeffrey S. Rogers
Natural Selection
Jim Stewart '76 and Adam Drury
Six Days in the Fields
Mark Canavera '99
A Woman's Place
Peggy Haymes '82
By the Spirit Led
Jim Stewart '76
Elizabeth Lyles Blackwell, 1913-2000
Furman University
University Center's renovated look earns recognition
Furman University
Brightly dawns The Mikado
Furman University
Honorary degrees awarded to Hendricks, Lesesne
Furman University
Dedication held for Bryan Center
Furman University
Walkway dedicated to alumna's memory
Furman University
Refurbishing McAlister: Take a seat
Furman University
Scholarship honors Buford, Cloer, Shucker
Furman University
A challenge to build the library of tomorrow
Furman University
French Connection
Vince Moore
New class joins Athletic Hall of Fame
Furman University
The personal touch
Shannon Wilkerson Wilson '93
Standup guy
Jim Stewart '76
Musical ambassadors
Kailash Khandke
One man's efforts
Jim Stewart '76
Regular Features
Top profs: Meritorious Teaching, Advising Award recipients for 1999-2000: Even in retirement, Fairbanks still offers sound advice
Jim Stewart '76
Homecoming '00
Jim Stewart '76
Book Marks
Furman University
Calling the action
Vince Moore
Furman Alumni News
Furman University
Alumni Activities
Furman University
2000-2001 Alumni Association Board of Directors
Furman University
Class of '99 tackles the world
Furman University
End Matter
Back Cover
Furman University