Furman Magazine
Volume 45, Issue 2, Summer 2002
Complete Volume
Furman Magazine. Volume 45, Issue 2 - Full Issue
Furman University
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Furman University
The Art of Haute Cuisine
Jim Ewel '79 and Julie Bunner
Crescent Revival
John Roberts
A Mission to Heal
Grat Correll '89
The Great Vowel Shift
Melinda Menzer
'Martha Simkins Rediscovered'
Furman University
Roman interlude
Jim Stewart '76
Sociology, economics and business professors step down: Technology, research hallmarks of Cover's tenure
Paul Kooistra '74
A name for the mall
Furman University
2002 Commencement ceremony touched by tragedies
Furman University
Furman names Riley, six others to serve on board of trustees
Furman University
Paladin Club launches 'Mission for a Million'
Furman University
GWC memories spur support for university
Betsy Moseley '74
First recipient of Mlecko scholarship named
Judy Wilson
Different strokes
Vince Moore
Dunigan, women's program tapped for top honors
Furman University
Passing the legacy on
Pam Underwood Thomason '76
A different kind of doctor
Bob Wells
Phi Beta Kappa
Furman University
Ruminations on alma mater
Lige Hicks '41
Farewell, Queen Mum
Beth Evans Lindsay Jones '48
Class Action
Furman University and Charlie Register
Letter to the editor
Marian Moseley '71
Regular Features
Book Marks
Furman University
Award winners
Jim Stewart '76
Queens of the Kill
John Roberts
Furman Alumni News
Furman University
Alumni Activities
Furman University
2002-2003 Alumni Association Board of Directors
Furman University
End Matter
Back Cover
Furman University