Furman Magazine
Volume 55, Issue 2, Summer 2012
Complete Volume
Furman Magazine. Volume 55, Issue 2 - Full Issue
Furman University
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Furman University
Her Blood Runs Purple
Jim Stewart
Take the Short Way Home
Jerry Adams
Beyond Moneyball
Vince Moore
Is the Lady for Real?
Hugh Belsey and Elizabeth Hamlett
Furman United challenge enhances scholarship fund
Furman University
The evolution from 'graduates' to 'alumni'
Phil Howard
Anthropology major, film studies minor added
Furman University
Global Visitors Center joins national network
Furman University
The new crop of scholars
Furman University
Faculty retirees: Former students offer insights, tributes
Megan Slemons, James Coggins, Lewis Barnett, and Jim Stewart
Athletic shrine taps four standouts
Furman University
New coaches take the helm(s) of Paladin programs
Furman University
Public service a lifestyle for Knoxville Mayor Rogero
Whitney Jackson Howell
In memoriam: Frank Taylor
Jim Stewart
Trustees name Joyner first recipient of Riley Medal
Furman University
Garrett was Delta leader
Furman University
Artistic chutzpah: Thigpens leave dramatic legacy
Randall David Cook
A taste of history in the High Hills of Santee
Celeste Brewer
Kicking the Can Down the Road
Furman University
From the President
Rod Smolla
Regular Features
Furman Alumni News
Furman University
2012-13 Alumni Board of Directors
Furman University
End Matter
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Furman University