2017 | ||
Tuesday, April 4th | ||
9:00 AM |
A Bitter Pill to Swallow: A study of the overlooked aspects of health care Sarah Wood 9:00 AM PAC Medicine, Health, and Culture Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers A Comparative Analysis of Nineteenth Century Travel Literature in Cuba Hannah DuBois 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
A Discussion of Computer Science Education in American Middle and Elementary Schools Haley Cottingham 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines ACIS Running Team at Furman Digital Magazine Kendall Hawthorne 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Activation-Induced Chromatin Decondensation in the Lymphoid Lineage Alynna Knaub 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Affinity and Structural Characterizion of Biological AT Hook Motif Variants Kaitlyn Dobbins 9:00 AM PAC Chemistry Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Alternative Teaching Methods for Intro Programming Trilby Hren 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Research In Chemistry Session One An Abiotic Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleobases Alyssa Clay 9:00 AM Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126 Chemistry Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
An Exploration of Health, Disparities, and What We Should Do About It Kate Causey 9:00 AM PAC Medicine, Health, and Culture Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Anxiety disorders and their impact on children in the classroom Kathryn Painter 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
APEC Voices of the Future 2016 APEC Voices of the Future 2016 Julia Reynolds 9:00 AM Johns Hall 208 Politics and International Affairs Other |
9:00 AM |
Assessing the accuracy of weather forecasts Michael Headley 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies Athlete’s Social Capital Influences and Feelings of Team Cohesion Katie Hirsch 9:00 AM Johns Hall 105 Sociology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Senior Art Presentations Alex Brannan 9:00 AM Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building Art Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Research In Chemistry Session One Melissa Kuester 9:00 AM Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126 Chemistry Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Gabriella Susz 9:00 AM Library Communication Studies Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Senior Art Presentations Courtney Jacobs 9:00 AM Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building Art Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Research In Chemistry Session One C-H activation of silyl ethers Ben Mitchell 9:00 AM Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126 Chemistry Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Reed Chisenhall 9:00 AM Library Politics and International Affairs Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Research Projects in Mathematics Characterizing Graphs wth Disconnected Gamma Graphs Danny Rivers 9:00 AM Riley Hall 107 Mathematics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Children of incacerated parents Lindy Perry 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics City of Charlotte Office of Neighborhood and Business Services Tucker Smith 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines Coffee in Downtown Greenville Digital Magazine Reagan Walters 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Lee Mowry 9:00 AM Library Communication Studies Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Comparing Media Portrayals of the 2001 Financial Crisis in Argentina McKenna Luzynski 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Simone Alimonti 9:00 AM PAC Health Sciences Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Bryce Seymour 9:00 AM PAC Earth and Environmental Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Anika Abrahamson 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Development of disabilities in children born prematurely Melina Bricker 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Natasha Lushina 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Psychology Research Does napping help us deactivate old intentions? Jenny Sun 9:00 AM Johns Hall 201 Psychology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Does religion have a role in public education? Katy Russell 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Psychology research Does the Early Bird Get the Worm? Wake Time and Academic Outcomes in College Students Sarah Mickool 9:00 AM Johns Hall 201 Psychology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Duke Water Resources Lake Restoration Project Josie Newton 9:00 AM PAC Shi Center for Sustainability Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Education Policy in Cuba: Before and After 1959 Hayley Lyman 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Elizabeth Kean 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel Erin Mellor 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Caroline Brearley 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
External Relations: Continuity and Change Daniel Zhang 9:00 AM Johns Hall 109 Politics and International Affairs Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Examining the impact of the artificial nucleobase imidazole on the properties of silver(I) clusters. Elizabeth Baucum 9:00 AM PAC Chemistry Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel Failing at Home: Ignoring the Vulnerable in Victorian Society Meghan Gillogly 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice Faith and Experience in Shikoku and Santiago Pilgrimage” Alex Aboutanos 9:00 AM Furman Hall 106 Religion Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice Faith in Pure Land Buddhism and Protestant Theology Jared Buchholz 9:00 AM Furman Hall 106 Religion Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines Shannon Hessen 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Free Internet Services are a Myth: Exploitation of User Data by Free Internet Services Mehmood Mallick 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
FUEL the Community: Feeding the Homeless Sara Mixon 9:00 AM Library Health Sciences Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines Furman Men's Golf Digital Magazine Vanessa Chambers 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Gay and Lesbian famillies in the classroom Grace Linton 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies Gender Composition and Group Involvement Emily Martin 9:00 AM Johns Hall 105 Sociology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Emily Vanderkwaak 9:00 AM Library Health Sciences Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival Emilio Alverson 9:00 AM Library Music Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Guy Maurice Meares 9:00 AM Library Music Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Health Disparities and Potential Solutions Carlee Campbell 9:00 AM PAC Medicine, Health, and Culture Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies "Heeere’s Johnny!" The Relationship between Horror Film Exposure and Death Anxiety Matthew Batson 9:00 AM Johns Hall 105 Sociology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Hollingsworth Undergraduate Research Program Kyle Courtney 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Hollingsworth Undergraduate Research Program Julia Copperwheat 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Candace Johnson 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Homelessness and its effects on academic achievement Caroline Holley 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
How Data Mining Pre-processing Techniques Affect the Efficiency of Machine Learning Algorithms Augustus Hayfron 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project How family backgrounds influence student achievement Chandler Massey 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Emily Matthews 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 205 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Hâfu: An Analysis of "Japaneseness" and Its Effects on Mixed Race Japanese Rachel Celestime 9:00 AM PAC Asian Studies Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Hristiyan Savov 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Internships in Spanish Improving Health Access: An Internship with the Hispanic Alliance Kayla Wiles 9:00 AM Furman Hall 127 Modern Languages and Literatures Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Indigenous Politics and State Relations in Contemporary Ecuador Sarah Luke 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Insights on Ancient Greece from the Iliad's Oldest Manuscript Emmett Baumgarten 9:00 AM PAC Classics Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Lexie Harvey 9:00 AM Library Communication Studies Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Britt Harris 9:00 AM PAC Health Sciences Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Jai-Ryung (Jenny) Lee 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Mapuche Identity and Indigenous Relations with the State in Chile after the 1973 Coup Alexander Vogt 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Mario Monje and Che Guevara in Bolivia, 1967: A Clash of Ideologies Stephanie Betts 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Research Projects in Mathematics Math and Medicine: Using Mathematical Tools to Personalize Treatments Lindsay Eddy 9:00 AM Riley Hall 107 Mathematics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Jeffrey "Austin" Foster 9:00 AM Library Business and Accounting Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Internships in Spanish Lizabeth González 9:00 AM Furman Hall 127 Modern Languages and Literatures Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Microglia migration towards spinal cord injury site in hostile chemical environment Ansley Ulmer 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Mixed Monolayer of Mercaptoundecanoic Acid (MUA) and Dodecanethiol (DDT) on Gold James Watkins 9:00 AM PAC Chemistry Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Multicultural children's literature in today's classroom Reilly Mahan 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Internships in Spanish My First Steps into the Real World Nomonde Gila 9:00 AM Furman Hall 127 Modern Languages and Literatures Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Josh Brickell 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Jeremiah Ockunzzi 9:00 AM Library Biology Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Alex Dupre 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Austin Saggus 9:00 AM Library Business and Accounting Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Optical Fibers for Sensible Technology Amber Vargas 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel Aubrey Connors 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
External Relations: Continuity and Change Perpetual Tenure, the Nature of African Presidency Alexis Muhumure 9:00 AM Johns Hall 109 Politics and International Affairs Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Perspectives of male/female teachers in the elementary classroom Maddy Gentry 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
External Relations: Continuity and Change Policy Analysis: Rebalance to Asia Kelsey Orr 9:00 AM Johns Hall 109 Politics and International Affairs Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Preventing bullying in the school community Catherine McNeela 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis Larkidus Robinson 9:00 AM Molnar Lab (PAC) - HP1 Health Sciences Demonstration |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Relevance of multiculutral education Sophia Denaro 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Kristine Kliphouse 9:00 AM Library Business and Accounting Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration John Chauvin 9:00 AM PAC - HP2 Health Sciences Demonstration |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Kathleen Marsh 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Ben Yetman 9:00 AM Library Health Sciences Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Jen Funsten 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Senior Art Presentations Aaron Navarro 9:00 AM Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building Art Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Internships in Spanish Servicio en la Fundación El Arenal: A Summer in Ecuador Sarah Luke 9:00 AM Furman Hall 127 Modern Languages and Literatures Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Single parent homes and the effect they have on student achievement Kathleen Reinhart 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
External Relations: Continuity and Change South China Sea - Predicting Confrontation Levels of State Actors Sam Kristin Can 9:00 AM Johns Hall 109 Politics and International Affairs Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Students with moderate disabilities in the general education classroom Kristin Farrar 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines Sustainability at Furman Digital Magazine Ty Randell 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Symmetric Private Keys vs. Asymmetric Public Keys Jake Gavin 9:00 AM PAC Computer Science Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Alexis Myers 9:00 AM PAC Chemistry Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel Telescopic Philanthropy: Gendered and Hierarchical Charity in the Victorian Era Natalie Curry 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
The 2017 French Presidential Election: Students' Mock Party Platforms, Logos, and Campaign Ads Virginia Britt 9:00 AM Furman Hall 110 Modern Languages and Literatures Other |
9:00 AM |
The Art of Linguistic Identity: An Analysis of Queer Japanese Speech Jackie Wisdom 9:00 AM PAC Asian Studies Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Emma Smith 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Emerson Smith 9:00 AM Library Economics Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers The Complexities of Nationalism in Mid Twenteith-Century Cuban Art Erin Haseley 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel The Devil in the Details: Accessories and Character Construction in Bleak House Margaret Shelton 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project The effect of having a multicultural school leader Ellison Cleghorn 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Psychology Research The effect of the modified-SPS model on ethanol oral self-administration in rats Asha Mehta 9:00 AM Johns Hall 201 Psychology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project The effects of speech and language deficits on literacy development Kendall Korey 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics The Export-Import Bank of China Junyang Chai 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
The Great Wave: Japan's Influence on Western Art Alyssa Page 9:00 AM PAC Asian Studies Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Psychology Research The In Vitro Role of the PDGF-PDGFR-β Signaling Pathway in Retinoblastoma Cell Survival and Death. Madison Ritter 9:00 AM Johns Hall 201 Psychology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies The Influence of Gender Composition of Films on the Portrayal of Mental Health Conditions Payton Baker 9:00 AM Johns Hall 105 Sociology Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
The John Psathas Percussion Project Part 2 The John Psathas Percussion Project Part 2 Justin Lamb 9:00 AM Daniel Music Building Room 13 Music Performance |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project The Muslin population in American education Porter Grant 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Research Projects in Mathematics The Phony Express: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm Carol Lewis 9:00 AM Riley Hall 107 Mathematics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers The Revolutionary Climate of Latin American Cinema in the 1960s and 1970s Ann Lanford 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers The Statist Origins of the Drug War in Mexico Chris Razo 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
The Test Retest of Internal Reliability of the Bod Pod Donovan Franks 9:00 AM PAC Health Sciences Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice The Theravada Kathina Rite at a Carolina Wat: A Reinterpretation David Kleine 9:00 AM Furman Hall 106 Religion Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers The Women's Movement in Revolutionary Nicaragua Alice Navarro 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Research In Chemistry Session One Thermodynamic Profiling of the Inhibition of HMGA Binding to AT Rich DNA by Netropsin Ralph White III 9:00 AM Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126 Chemistry Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Thrombin's influence on the phagocytosis of microglial cells during spinal cord injury Sahila Bahra 9:00 AM PAC Biology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Iva Matiashvili 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Research In Chemistry Session One Total Synthesis of Hibiscone B Hayden Rudd 9:00 AM Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126 Chemistry Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Victorian Literature and Culture panel Transcending Class Discourse: Esther's Role in Bleak House Courtney Kratz 9:00 AM Furman Hall 108 English Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Multicultural inquiry project Dorothy Walton 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 206 Education Exhibit |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers U.S. Foreign Policy and the Making of the Drug War in Colombia Michael Robinson 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers U.S. Views of the Nicaraguan Liberationist Church During the 1980s Caroline LeGrand 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Use of Transcranial Stimulation (tCS) to Alter Resting Brainwaves and Memory Michael Tan 9:00 AM PAC Psychology Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Video and Social Media as a Medium for Current Communications Video and Social Media as a Medium for Current Communications Elena Oertel 9:00 AM Furman Hall 214; McEachern Shi Center for Sustainability Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Engaged Learning in Economics Connor Lynch 9:00 AM Riley Hall 106 Economics Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
What are Upstate forests worth? Logan Richardson 9:00 AM PAC Economics Poster (less than 64") |
9:00 AM |
Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers Women's Bodies, Healthcare and Revolution in Cuba Malia Fraioli 9:00 AM Furman Hall 107 Latin American Studies Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Working with Greenville Health System's In-House Council Anna Mazzuckelli 9:00 AM Library Biology Poster (tri-fold) |
9:00 AM |
Internships in Spanish Working with Neighbors Down the Road and Across the Sea Sunyeop Lee 9:00 AM Furman Hall 127 Modern Languages and Literatures Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines Young professional's Guide to Greenville Digital Magazine Hilton Kennington 9:00 AM Hipp Hall 102 Business and Accounting Individual Oral Presentation |
9:00 AM |
Gabrielle Haddad 9:00 AM Library Modern Languages and Literatures Poster (tri-fold) |