Streaming Media
Buket Oztas
Speaker Biography
Buket Oztas is an assistant professor of Politics and International Affairs and the co-chair of the Middle East and Islamic Studies minor at Furman University. Originally from Izmir (Turkey), she holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Florida (2016) and a B.A. (summa cum laude) and B.S. (summa cum laude) in global and international affairs from Binghamton University and Bilkent University (2010).
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Greenville (S.C.)
Vocation; Career paths; Occupations; Vocational guidance; Memoirs
Recommended Citation
Oztas, Buket, "Buket Oztas" (2024). Cothran Center Conversations on Meaning and Purpose. 1.
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