Streaming Media
Robyn Andrews and Scott Murr
Speaker Biography
Robyn Andrews is the Furman Libraries Coordinator for Circulation and Research Services and Libraries Diversity Coordinator. She has additional roles as a Pathways Advisor for 1st- and 2nd year students, co-chair of the President's Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and member of the Shared Equity Leadership Team. Robyn received her B.S., Instructional Design and Technology, from Walden University.
Scott Murr is an associate professor of Health Sciences at Furman University.Scott earned his B.A. at Furman University, and after completing his Master’s degree at Slippery Rock University, Scott continued his graduate studies at the University of Georgia, where he completed his Ed.D. in Exercise Science in 1997. Prior to returning to Furman in 1998, Scott was an Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Sport Studies at Anderson College.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship, Staff Scholarship
Greenville (S.C.)
Vocation; Career paths; Occupations; Vocational guidance; Memoirs
Recommended Citation
Andrews, Robyn; Murr, Scott; Harris, John; Bowen, Libby; and Hensley, Garrett, "Robyn Andrews and Scott Murr" (2022). Cothran Center Conversations on Meaning and Purpose. 7.
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