"Analyzing Drone Footage to Assess Necessary Streetlight Placement: Whe" by Savannah Jennings and Billy Tutt

Document Type

Presentation (Class or campus)

Scholarship Type

Student Scholarship

Presentation Date


Event Name and Location of Presentation

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Student Poster Session

Instructor(s) or Advisor(s)

Mike Winiski


New Washington Heights and Poe Mill are low income neighborhoods with high crime rates and the people living there feel that more street lights would make the areas more safe at night. In our project, we aimed to answer the question: where are streetlights most appropriate in these neighborhoods? And can footage taken from the recent drone flyover help to improve our ability to accurately model streetlights in these neighborhoods? We will present our findings to the residents of Poe Mill and New Washington Heights in order to aid their efforts in making their streets safer. This question is relevant to GIS because we can use spatial analysis techniques to improve the safety of these neighborhoods.

Additional Affiliated Department, Center or Institute

Center for Teaching and Learning



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