Furman Magazine
Volume 55, Issue 3, Fall 2012
Complete Volume
Furman Magazine. Volume 55, Issue 3 - Full Issue
Furman University
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Furman University
How Averett Went to College
Charles Averett Rollins
The 'Natural Ladiesman' & the Floods of 1916
Jim Stewart
Rumor Has It...
Melanie Krone Armstrong and Tim Foley
Heritage, Faith & Furman
Lyn Riddle
Planned gift offers opportunity to impact others' lives
Jackie Nelson Jacobson
Case study for Furman United: Shannon Riley
Kate Hofler Dabbs
Herring Center provides a new home for growing programs
Furman University
A few minutes with Bill Brantley
Furman University
Grant supports science scholarships
Furman University
Aldo the robot makes parents proud
Furman University
Brewer receives honorary degree
Furman University
Five professors appointed to endowed chairs
Furman University
Hard-nosed Henning boasts virtuoso's flair
Vince Moore
The record book
Furman University
Celebrating our legacy -- and our legacies
Tom Triplitt
For Chris Keen, a scholarship in his memory
Shelly H. Sutton III
New digital look on the way
Jim Stewart
Einstein was valley fever expert
Furman University
Roberts was leading Baptist journalist
Furman University
Heading to Vietnam? Then 'Meet me at Joe's'
Christopher Bundy
'Left leg, right leg, one leg at a time...'
Jim Stewart
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Leigh Gauthier Savage
From the President
Rod Smolla
Regular Features
Homecoming highlights
Furman University
Class Notes
Furman University
2012-13 Alumni Board of Directors
Furman University
In tribute: Lindsay Smith
Jim Stewart
End Matter
Advertisement and Back Cover
Furman University