Furman University Scholar Exchange - Furman Engaged!: Personal Reflections and Interpretations of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Personal Reflections and Interpretations of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Department, Center, or Institute


Presentation Format

Department Organized Oral Session

Presentation Type

Study away


The panel discussion will examine course work and travel by students on the Brussels program, fall 2014, led by Dr. Diane Vecchio, History.

The student presentation will focus on World War II and the Resistance Movement. Students will incorporate their research projects with travel away experiences in Amsterdam, Krakow and other places in Europe.

Is This Part of a Department Organized Oral Session?


Department Organized Oral Session Title

Injustice and its Resistors: World War II Through the Eyes of Study Away


Diane Vecchio

Session Length

80 minutes

Session Number


Start Date and Time

April 2015

End Date and Time

April 2015


Furman Hall 107

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Apr 14th, 9:00 AM Apr 14th, 10:20 AM

Personal Reflections and Interpretations of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Furman Hall 107

The panel discussion will examine course work and travel by students on the Brussels program, fall 2014, led by Dr. Diane Vecchio, History.

The student presentation will focus on World War II and the Resistance Movement. Students will incorporate their research projects with travel away experiences in Amsterdam, Krakow and other places in Europe.