Furman University Scholar Exchange - Furman Engaged!: Marketing Design

Marketing Design

Department, Center, or Institute

Individualized Curriculum Program

Presentation Format

Department Organized Oral Session

Presentation Type



ICP students will each describe their unique majors. They will then briefly outline the ICP program and submission process. The 3 graduating ICP students will each present how their ICP major has benefited their overall Furman experience and future career plans. The session will end with a Q and A period.

Is This Part of a Department Organized Oral Session?


Department Organized Oral Session Title

The Individual Curriculum Plan at Furman


Renee Chosed

Session Number


Start Date and Time

4-14-2015 1:00 PM

End Date and Time

4-14-2015 2:20 PM


Furman Hall 127

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Apr 14th, 1:00 PM Apr 14th, 2:20 PM

Marketing Design

Furman Hall 127

ICP students will each describe their unique majors. They will then briefly outline the ICP program and submission process. The 3 graduating ICP students will each present how their ICP major has benefited their overall Furman experience and future career plans. The session will end with a Q and A period.