Synthesis of the building blocks of life through a glyoxylate-based protometabolism
Department, Center, or Institute
Presentation Format
Department Organized Oral Session
Presentation Type
On-campus research
The aldol addition of glyxoylate to pyruvate or oxaloacetate in water at neutral pH initiates a cycle of reactions that replicates a primitive oxidative metabolism to generate metabolic intermediates and polymer building blocks found in modern biology. In addition to its role in the abiotic supply of complex organics, the reaction pathway may have served as a template for the modern citric acid cycle.
Department Organized Oral Session Title
Undergraduate Chemistry Research
Timothy Hanks, Chemistry
Session Number
Start Date and Time
4-9-2019 1:45 PM
Patrick Lecture Room, Plyler Hall 126
Recommended Citation
Stubbs, Trent and Springsteen, Greg, "Synthesis of the building blocks of life through a glyoxylate-based protometabolism" (2019). Furman Engaged!. 491.
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Synthesis of the building blocks of life through a glyoxylate-based protometabolism
Patrick Lecture Room, Plyler Hall 126
The aldol addition of glyxoylate to pyruvate or oxaloacetate in water at neutral pH initiates a cycle of reactions that replicates a primitive oxidative metabolism to generate metabolic intermediates and polymer building blocks found in modern biology. In addition to its role in the abiotic supply of complex organics, the reaction pathway may have served as a template for the modern citric acid cycle.