Furman University Scholar Exchange - Furman Engaged!: From Empire to Dynasty: The Imperial Career of Huang Fu in the Early Ming (1368-1449)


From Empire to Dynasty: The Imperial Career of Huang Fu in the Early Ming (1368-1449)


Yunhui YangFollow

Department, Center, or Institute


Presentation Format

Department Organized Oral Session

Presentation Type

On-campus research


I will be presenting the research I did in conjunction with Dr. Lane Harris on Huang Fu.

Department Organized Oral Session Title

Ming, Memes, and Missives: Historical Research from the Early Ming Dynasty to Nineteenth Century Britain and the Annals of YouTube


Lane Harris, History

Session Number


Start Date and Time

4-9-2019 1:45 PM


Furman Hall 208

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Apr 9th, 1:45 PM

From Empire to Dynasty: The Imperial Career of Huang Fu in the Early Ming (1368-1449)

Furman Hall 208

I will be presenting the research I did in conjunction with Dr. Lane Harris on Huang Fu.