Furman University Scholar Exchange - Furman Engaged!: Shucker Leadership Challenge Project


Shucker Leadership Challenge Project

Department, Center, or Institute

Shucker Leadership Institute

Presentation Format

Department Organized Oral Session

Presentation Type

Service learning


The Leadership Challenge Project was designed to strengthen team decision making in a service-learning project. Students will present a project collaboration between the Shucker Leadership Institute and our community partners. The community partners are New Washington Heights, Greenville Area Parkinson's Society, Soteria, Shi Center, and the Furman Strengths Program. These partnerships were designed to foster personal leadership development in a meaningful setting. We are thankful to our partnerships for collaborating with the Shucker Fellows as interns in their workspaces.

Department Organized Oral Session Title

Shucker Leadership Challenge Project


Emma Sanning, Shucker Leadership Institute

Session Number


Start Date and Time

4-9-2019 9:45 AM


Hipp Hall 104

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Apr 9th, 9:45 AM

Shucker Leadership Challenge Project

Hipp Hall 104

The Leadership Challenge Project was designed to strengthen team decision making in a service-learning project. Students will present a project collaboration between the Shucker Leadership Institute and our community partners. The community partners are New Washington Heights, Greenville Area Parkinson's Society, Soteria, Shi Center, and the Furman Strengths Program. These partnerships were designed to foster personal leadership development in a meaningful setting. We are thankful to our partnerships for collaborating with the Shucker Fellows as interns in their workspaces.