Audio recording of an interview with Beatrice Plyler (1911-2011), widow of former Furman president, John Laney Plyler. Mrs. Plyler talks about her family and growing up in Berkeley County, SC, as well as meeting her future husband, and their marriage in 1932. She discusses the early years of her marriage, anecdotes of John Plyler as a husband and father, daily life, and a few things President Plyler shared with her about his childhood and family. Mentioned by Beatrice in the interview are Judge Clement Haynsworth, Alester Furman, Jr., and Charles and Mickey Daniel. Mrs. Plyler discusses, in depth, the building of the new Furman campus, from choosing the property, meeting with architects, and picking out colors and furniture. She talks of how she and John were influenced by a trip to France and England, and how seeing the beautiful gardens, lakes, and fountains gave them ideas for the new Furman campus.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; Plyler, John Laney, 1894-1966; College presidents; Building
Recommended Citation
Plyler, Beatrice and Tollison, Courtney, "Beatrice D. Plyler Oral History" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 12.
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