Streaming Media
Betty Durham Owens, born in 1934, grew up near Furman's old campus in downtown Greenville, and in this 2004 oral history audio, she shares some of her memories associated with Furman. She talks about playing on the old campus as a child, roller skating in front of the library, going into the Bell Tower, as well as the beauty of Furman during that time. She mentions "the Plyler boys," and remembers the house of their father, President John Plyler. Betty married a Furman student, and she discusses life in married-student housing at Furman in the 1950's. Betty talks about her love for Furman football, she mentions Vince Peone, and also describes being at the basketball game when Furman's Frank Selvy scored 100 points, as well as the feelings of joy and pride on campus, and in the community, after the game. Betty speaks of her long lasting Furman friends and relationships with Furman professors, and her continued love for Furman and Furman athletics.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories
Recommended Citation
Owens, Betty Durham and Tollison, Courtney, "Betty Durham Owens Oral History" (2005). Furman University Oral Histories. 14.
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