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Audio interview with Mary Peace Sterling, Furman University Trustee Emerita, and Greenville native. Mrs. Sterling, also a former member of the Furman Advisory Council, provided the naming gift for the Charlie Peace Wing of the Furman Library in memory of her father. Furman awarded her an honorary doctor of humanities degree in 2002. In this 2004 interview Mrs. Sterling talks about growing up in Greenville, SC, and her thoughts of Furman then, and how it's been a part of her life since an early age. She mentions being at the basketball game when Furman's Frank Selvy scored 100 points in 1954. Mrs. Sterling discusses Greenville's relationship with Furman, memories of President John Plyler and his wife Bea Plyer, and she shares memories of her father, Charlie Peace. She tells of how she became a Furman Board of Trustees member in 1995, and talks about some of the issues the board faced during her tenure. Mrs. Sterling details how she got involved with the Furman Library, and gives the history of the library's Charlie Peace Wing. She briefly discusses the different leadership styles of past Furman presidents, and concludes the interview talking about being a board member, the meetings, the schedule, etc., as well as being a Furman Trustee Emeritus.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; Greenville (S.C.) College trustees
Recommended Citation
Sterling, Mary P. and Tollison, Courtney, "Mary P. Sterling Oral History" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 37.
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