"Ted T. Ellett Oral History" by Ted T. Ellett and Courtney Tollison
Furman University Oral Histories

Streaming Media


Video interview with Mrs. Ted T. Ellett, former Furman Dean of Women in the early 1940's. Mrs. Ellett was married to longtime Furman professor, J. Carlyle Ellett, and she also received an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Furman. Mrs. Ellett talks about coming to Furman in the early 1940's. She describes the old downtown campus, living in the dorm, and her job there. She talks about World War II and it's impact on Furman. Mrs. Ellett goes into detail about life on the old campus, discussing faculty life, friendships, schedules, dining, and living in the pre-fab homes. She speaks about Baptist ties and influence during her time at Furman. Mrs. Ellet discusses the AAUP beginning. She talks about the new Furman campus, the Bell Tower, Carl Clausen, as well as Bea Plyler's influence on the design and decor of the new campus. Mrs. Ellett speaks highly of Joe Vaughn. She shares memories of directing a girl's sports day camp at Furman, and speaks about the J. Carlyle Ellett Economics Prize, an award established in honor of her husband, and given to the top Economics student.

Scholarship Type

Faculty Scholarship

Publication Date


City and State

Greenville (S.C.)


Furman University; History; Oral histories; College teachers; College administrators




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Ted T. Ellett Oral History

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History Commons



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