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Video interview with W. Lindsay Smith, 1974 graduate of Furman University, Quaternion Club member, and President of the Furman University Foundation, Inc. Mr. Smith begins the interview sharing childhood memories of Furman, as both of his parents were on Furman's music faculty. He discusses making his decision to attend Furman, and names a few influential Furman professors in his life, like Don Aiesi, Ernie Harrill, and Jay Walters. Mr. Smith talks about being a student during that time, and his involvement in student government. He tells of a sit-in protest, he talks about President Blackwell's accessibility to students, and how Dr. Blackwell worked well with the S.C. Baptist Convention in those years. Mr. Smith speaks about his induction into Furman's Quaternion Club, and talks about his relationship with Furman after graduation. Mr. Smith talks in depth about Furman's split with the S.C. Baptist Convention, how he became involved, and the role he played assisting Furman. He tells of working with fellow Furman alumnus, Larry Estridge, as well as Dr. Johns. He gives details of the legal process, and discusses the history between Furman and the S.C. Baptist Convention. Mr. Smith speaks about the reaction afterwards, and gives his perspective on the split, and what it means to him to have been involved in the process.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; Alumni and alumnae
Recommended Citation
Smith, W. Lindsay and Tollison, Courtney, "W. Lindsay Smith Oral History" (2005). Furman University Oral Histories. 42.
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