Kailash Khandke Interview
Kailash Khandke (Ph.D., University of California Davis, 1993) joined the economics faculty in 1995. His research interests include voting behavior with a focus of macroeconomic electoral cyclical behavior. His research also includes development and trade issues as they relate to Asia. Dr. Khandke’s teaching includes International Trade, Macroeconomic Theory, Growth Economics, and Introduction to Economics.
Prior to joining Furman, he was a visiting assistant professor at Santa Clara University (Calif.) and at Middlebury College (Vt.). In 2005, he was appointed chair of the Implementation Task Force and Steering Committee for Furman's transition to its new calendar and curriculum. He served as the university’s Assistant Academic Dean for Study Away & International Education from 2007-2015. Professor Khandke is a recipient of the Alester G. Furman, Jr. and Janie Earle Furman Award for Meritorious Teaching, awarded in 2007. He has worked with and supervised a number of student research projects through the Economics Department's Hollingsworth summer research programs. In college, Dr. Khandke discovered economics through a chance encounter with books written by Robert Heilbroner and Paul Samuelson. Outside of Furman, Dr. Khandke enjoys playing golf and tennis, travel, and cooking/experimenting with different types of cuisine.
Born and educated in India, Dr. Kailash Khandke came to the United States to pursue a doctoral degree in economics at the University of California, Davis. In 1995, Khandke was hired as the first professor of South Asian heritage at Furman. In this interview, Khandke narrates his pathway to Furman and his role in promoting a global curriculum and international educational opportunities at the University. Khandke helped to organize and lead Furman's first study away program in India and later served as the Dean for Study Away and International Education from 2007 to 2015.
This oral history is part of the Untold Journeys project.
Scholarship Type
Student Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville, SC
Instructor(s) or Advisor(s)
Kylie Fisher
Recommended Citation
Khandke, Kailash; Kibler, Eli; Kiser, Eva; and Fisher, Kylie, "Kailash Khandke Interview" (2023). Furman University Oral Histories. 51.
Additional Affiliated Department, Center or Institute
Asian Studies
Asian History | History
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