Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Treatment Of Patients With A Nonsense Mutation In The X-Linked Intellectual Disability CUL4B Gene With G418

Treatment Of Patients With A Nonsense Mutation In The X-Linked Intellectual Disability CUL4B Gene With G418


Aon Ali

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic

Cell and Molecular Biology

Presentation Type



Mentor: Anand Srivastava, JC Self Research Institute of Human Genetics, Greenwood Genetic Center


Patients affected by a nonsense mutation of the CUL4b gene suffer from X-Linked Intellectual Disability. Lymphoblast samples of affected people were grown and treated with G418. The G418 treatments were done at various concentrations to force the cells to produce the full length Cullin-4b protein. The samples did show production of CUL4b. However, if they are functional could not be determined. Further trials need to be done to see if the treatment is worth the side effects. The samples were able to produce the protein, and any presence of Cullin-4b could be beneficial

Start Date

4-11-2015 2:30 PM

End Date

4-11-2015 2:45 PM

Apr 11th, 2:30 PM Apr 11th, 2:45 PM

Treatment Of Patients With A Nonsense Mutation In The X-Linked Intellectual Disability CUL4B Gene With G418

Patients affected by a nonsense mutation of the CUL4b gene suffer from X-Linked Intellectual Disability. Lymphoblast samples of affected people were grown and treated with G418. The G418 treatments were done at various concentrations to force the cells to produce the full length Cullin-4b protein. The samples did show production of CUL4b. However, if they are functional could not be determined. Further trials need to be done to see if the treatment is worth the side effects. The samples were able to produce the protein, and any presence of Cullin-4b could be beneficial