Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Augmenting A Virtual Prototyping Environment With A Domain-Specific Visualization Frontend

Augmenting A Virtual Prototyping Environment With A Domain-Specific Visualization Frontend


Zachary Wyman

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic

Math and Computer Science

Presentation Type



Mentor: Daniel Schneider, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)

Oral Presentation Award

1st Place


The purpose of this project was to augment an existing simulation environment with a visualization front end for smart farming scenarios. Using real world machinery as a testing environment for software that autonomously-controls equipment is neither cost effective nor safe. A simulation environment in which virtual prototypes of smart farming applications are graphically displayed would ensure safety, reliability and efficiency of the systems under development in a cost-efficient way in order for the smart farming controller to be able to be used on a commercial level. The farming Simulator 2014 game provided the basic visualization frontend for the simulation of smart farming systems. Using Lua scripts to modify the game, an external program was able to control the tractor inside the game. XML files were used as the communication medium between the simulation framework and the game. Both the tractor within the game as well as the simulator can read and write to the XML files, allowing for two way communication and interaction. The Farming Simulator was used as testing environment to control the automated tractor in certain scenarios. The final step will be to add XML support to the smart tractor program. Then the existing smart tractor controller may be tested and its functionality may be verified safely and reliably.

Start Date

4-11-2015 8:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2015 8:45 AM

Apr 11th, 8:30 AM Apr 11th, 8:45 AM

Augmenting A Virtual Prototyping Environment With A Domain-Specific Visualization Frontend

The purpose of this project was to augment an existing simulation environment with a visualization front end for smart farming scenarios. Using real world machinery as a testing environment for software that autonomously-controls equipment is neither cost effective nor safe. A simulation environment in which virtual prototypes of smart farming applications are graphically displayed would ensure safety, reliability and efficiency of the systems under development in a cost-efficient way in order for the smart farming controller to be able to be used on a commercial level. The farming Simulator 2014 game provided the basic visualization frontend for the simulation of smart farming systems. Using Lua scripts to modify the game, an external program was able to control the tractor inside the game. XML files were used as the communication medium between the simulation framework and the game. Both the tractor within the game as well as the simulator can read and write to the XML files, allowing for two way communication and interaction. The Farming Simulator was used as testing environment to control the automated tractor in certain scenarios. The final step will be to add XML support to the smart tractor program. Then the existing smart tractor controller may be tested and its functionality may be verified safely and reliably.