Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Could Scaling Fresnel Lens Technology Result In A Greater Capacity For Solar Heating And Cooking Applications?

Could Scaling Fresnel Lens Technology Result In A Greater Capacity For Solar Heating And Cooking Applications?


Gage Burkhalter

School Name

The Center for Advanced Technical Studies

Grade Level

11th Grade

Presentation Topic

Environmental Science

Presentation Type



Fresnel lens devices are a type of solar concentrator technology that can be utilized to heat and cook very effectively due to the extremely high temperatures that are reached. The goal of this research study is to determine if scaling a Fresnel lens to a much larger size can result in a greater output efficiency that would allow for underdeveloped areas of the world to use the devices for heating and cooking applications. Specifically, larger Fresnel lens devices could potentially be used for heating & boiling large quantities of water in order to provide drinking water for areas of the globe where clean, safe drinking water does not currently exist. As long as extended periods of sunny weather are consistently available, Fresnel lens concentrators could reliably supply safe drinking water and cooking solutions.

Start Date

4-11-2015 9:15 AM

End Date

4-11-2015 9:30 AM

Apr 11th, 9:15 AM Apr 11th, 9:30 AM

Could Scaling Fresnel Lens Technology Result In A Greater Capacity For Solar Heating And Cooking Applications?

Fresnel lens devices are a type of solar concentrator technology that can be utilized to heat and cook very effectively due to the extremely high temperatures that are reached. The goal of this research study is to determine if scaling a Fresnel lens to a much larger size can result in a greater output efficiency that would allow for underdeveloped areas of the world to use the devices for heating and cooking applications. Specifically, larger Fresnel lens devices could potentially be used for heating & boiling large quantities of water in order to provide drinking water for areas of the globe where clean, safe drinking water does not currently exist. As long as extended periods of sunny weather are consistently available, Fresnel lens concentrators could reliably supply safe drinking water and cooking solutions.