Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: The Correlation Between Age And Frustration

The Correlation Between Age And Frustration


Donzelle Benton

School Name

Westwood High School

Grade Level

10th Grade

Presentation Topic

Psychology and Sociology

Presentation Type



The purpose of my experiment was to determine the relationship between age and the ability to deal with frustration. Participants were asked to complete a survey about their current level of frustration, copy a pattern by placing paper clips on the magnetic heads of nails, and then complete a second survey to determine a change in their current level of frustration. As the participants are completing the pattern, a polarity switch, wired to two of the nails, is flipped to cancel the electromagnetic field surrounding those two nails. This cancellation will prevent the paper clips from sticking to the nail and is meant to introduce frustration to the participants. Participants are instructed to forfeit when they began to feel frustrated. I will be collecting data regarding the time it takes before participants forfeit, as well as participants’ perceived levels of frustration and the change in these levels. I hypothesize that increased age will correlate with an increased time allowed for frustration before any type of catharsis. I expect that age is a significant factor in the ability to deal with frustration.

Start Date

4-11-2015 1:45 PM

End Date

4-11-2015 2:00 PM

Apr 11th, 1:45 PM Apr 11th, 2:00 PM

The Correlation Between Age And Frustration

The purpose of my experiment was to determine the relationship between age and the ability to deal with frustration. Participants were asked to complete a survey about their current level of frustration, copy a pattern by placing paper clips on the magnetic heads of nails, and then complete a second survey to determine a change in their current level of frustration. As the participants are completing the pattern, a polarity switch, wired to two of the nails, is flipped to cancel the electromagnetic field surrounding those two nails. This cancellation will prevent the paper clips from sticking to the nail and is meant to introduce frustration to the participants. Participants are instructed to forfeit when they began to feel frustrated. I will be collecting data regarding the time it takes before participants forfeit, as well as participants’ perceived levels of frustration and the change in these levels. I hypothesize that increased age will correlate with an increased time allowed for frustration before any type of catharsis. I expect that age is a significant factor in the ability to deal with frustration.