Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: The Effect Or Blade Pitch On The Electrical Output Of A Wind Generator

The Effect Or Blade Pitch On The Electrical Output Of A Wind Generator


Athreya Murali

School Name

Heathwood Hall Episcopal School

Grade Level

9th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type



The purpose of this scientific investigation is to determine the proper blade pitch, or more casually called the angle of attack, of the blades of a wind generator to generate the maximum electrical output. The blade pitch angles tested were 10°, 15°, 17.5°, 20°, and 25°. It was hypothesized that a blade pitch of 15° was the most efficient blade pitch for maximum electrical output. To perform the experiment, a wind generator was built using PVC pipes, an alternating current magneto, a 5 mm screwdriver socket, balsa wood blades, and wooden rotor hubs. An electric leaf blower was placed 2.8 m away from the wind generator. The magneto was connected to a multimeter that measured the voltage output. Ten trials were performed for each of the five different blade pitch angles. Upon collecting these fifty data points it was concluded that the blade pitch angle of 25° was the best blade pitch to generate the greatest electrical output, with an average voltage of 1.42 volts. The data collected does not support the hypothesis, as a blade pitch of 25° produced a greater electrical output that that of 15°.

Start Date

4-11-2015 11:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2015 11:45 AM

Apr 11th, 11:30 AM Apr 11th, 11:45 AM

The Effect Or Blade Pitch On The Electrical Output Of A Wind Generator

The purpose of this scientific investigation is to determine the proper blade pitch, or more casually called the angle of attack, of the blades of a wind generator to generate the maximum electrical output. The blade pitch angles tested were 10°, 15°, 17.5°, 20°, and 25°. It was hypothesized that a blade pitch of 15° was the most efficient blade pitch for maximum electrical output. To perform the experiment, a wind generator was built using PVC pipes, an alternating current magneto, a 5 mm screwdriver socket, balsa wood blades, and wooden rotor hubs. An electric leaf blower was placed 2.8 m away from the wind generator. The magneto was connected to a multimeter that measured the voltage output. Ten trials were performed for each of the five different blade pitch angles. Upon collecting these fifty data points it was concluded that the blade pitch angle of 25° was the best blade pitch to generate the greatest electrical output, with an average voltage of 1.42 volts. The data collected does not support the hypothesis, as a blade pitch of 25° produced a greater electrical output that that of 15°.