Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Effects Of Al2O3 And Li2O Modifiers On Mocc Membrane Performance

Effects Of Al2O3 And Li2O Modifiers On Mocc Membrane Performance


Zach Bills

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type



Mentor: Kevin Huang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina


Currently anthropogenic climate change is a major threat to our society. A primary cause of this change is CO2 emitted from coal burning power plants. The first step to mitigate CO2 emissions is a cost-effective method to capture them at point sources. A proposed system for cleaner power generation from coal necessitates a semi-permeable membrane which allows for the transport of CO2 while restricting the flow of other gases. This new class of membranes are called mixed oxide-ion and carbonate-ion conducting (MOCC) membranes. These membranes currently are not stable at high temperatures due to loss of molten carbonate, a liquid trapped within that generates the necessary semi-permeability. This research focuses on improving the stability of the MOCC membranes via the utilization of Al2O3 and Li2O as additives. The addition of these additives to the base ceramic which comprises the main structure of the membrane is intended to reduce the size of the pores in which the molten carbonate is trapped as well as making the ceramic itself stronger. Gas permeation analysis of the membranes which simulates operational conditions indicates that membranes composed of a base ceramic incorporating the Al2O3 additive demonstrated substantial performance increases. Structural analysis of the membranes using scanning electron microscopy indicate that both additives significantly reduced pore size of the ceramic.

Start Date

4-11-2015 10:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2015 10:45 AM

Apr 11th, 10:30 AM Apr 11th, 10:45 AM

Effects Of Al2O3 And Li2O Modifiers On Mocc Membrane Performance

Currently anthropogenic climate change is a major threat to our society. A primary cause of this change is CO2 emitted from coal burning power plants. The first step to mitigate CO2 emissions is a cost-effective method to capture them at point sources. A proposed system for cleaner power generation from coal necessitates a semi-permeable membrane which allows for the transport of CO2 while restricting the flow of other gases. This new class of membranes are called mixed oxide-ion and carbonate-ion conducting (MOCC) membranes. These membranes currently are not stable at high temperatures due to loss of molten carbonate, a liquid trapped within that generates the necessary semi-permeability. This research focuses on improving the stability of the MOCC membranes via the utilization of Al2O3 and Li2O as additives. The addition of these additives to the base ceramic which comprises the main structure of the membrane is intended to reduce the size of the pores in which the molten carbonate is trapped as well as making the ceramic itself stronger. Gas permeation analysis of the membranes which simulates operational conditions indicates that membranes composed of a base ceramic incorporating the Al2O3 additive demonstrated substantial performance increases. Structural analysis of the membranes using scanning electron microscopy indicate that both additives significantly reduced pore size of the ceramic.