Correlation Between Personal Organization and High School Grade Point average

School Name

Chapin High School

Grade Level

11th Grade

Presentation Topic

Psychology and Sociology

Presentation Type



The average American spends one year of their life looking for misplaced or lost items. Manypeople struggle to find misplaced items because they are not organized in their home and/orworkplace [7]. The visual cortex of the brain cannot process information or focus as much whenthere is clutter present [7]. The purpose of this project is to see if personal organization can affectthe brain’s ability to process information, making grade point average either increase ordecrease. The study was conducted using fifty high school students from Chapin High School.The participants took a survey that included questions about their current grade point averageand how organized they think they are. The questions that showed participants amount oforganization were combined to create an organization score. The organization score showed howorganized the person was. If the participant received a higher organization score, this meant thatthe particular participant was more organized than someone who received a lower organizationscore. The survey had diverse participants because it was given during MAST class, which is aclass full of random students from each grade level. The data collected showed there was anegative 0.009 Pearson’s Correlation R-value between personal organization and grade pointaverage. Since the R-value was far from positive or negative one, for the majority of theparticipants, their organization did not affect their grade point average.


Wall 308

Start Date

3-25-2017 11:00 AM

Presentation Format

Oral and Written

Group Project


Mar 25th, 11:00 AM

Correlation Between Personal Organization and High School Grade Point average

Wall 308

The average American spends one year of their life looking for misplaced or lost items. Manypeople struggle to find misplaced items because they are not organized in their home and/orworkplace [7]. The visual cortex of the brain cannot process information or focus as much whenthere is clutter present [7]. The purpose of this project is to see if personal organization can affectthe brain’s ability to process information, making grade point average either increase ordecrease. The study was conducted using fifty high school students from Chapin High School.The participants took a survey that included questions about their current grade point averageand how organized they think they are. The questions that showed participants amount oforganization were combined to create an organization score. The organization score showed howorganized the person was. If the participant received a higher organization score, this meant thatthe particular participant was more organized than someone who received a lower organizationscore. The survey had diverse participants because it was given during MAST class, which is aclass full of random students from each grade level. The data collected showed there was anegative 0.009 Pearson’s Correlation R-value between personal organization and grade pointaverage. Since the R-value was far from positive or negative one, for the majority of theparticipants, their organization did not affect their grade point average.