Using Non-Traditional Resources to Build Temporary Housing for the Homeless

School Name

Governor's School for Science & Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type



Mentor: Michael Nixon, Meadors, Inc.


The main goal of this research project was to design a housing structure to address the homelessness problem in Charleston, South Carolina. Homelessness is an unsolvable problem – as long as there is a structured society, there will be people who will be homeless. That being said, it doesn’t prevent ways of reducing homelessness. It is recognized that there are certain individuals that don’t want to live in a home, and would rather be living outside (i.e. with no designated home). Therefore, this project isn’t meant to integrate those individuals into housing, but rather the goal was to design a temporary home for those types of citizens. This temporary housing environment would be used as a proper shelter from the outdoors for the homeless citizens. It is a way to provide shelter while these citizens work on a way to get back on their feet. The housing is designed to be modular, in that, multiple units can come together to build a larger structure. Much of the work done on this project at Meadors Inc. was on the mathematical, and conceptual aspects of the project. Consequently, any physical testing on the structure was minimal. Various calculations were done on the structure regarding the several forces that may act on the structure. Although it was not tested, a junction point was designed and built.


Wall 223

Start Date

3-25-2017 9:30 AM

Presentation Format

Oral and Written

Group Project


Mar 25th, 9:30 AM

Using Non-Traditional Resources to Build Temporary Housing for the Homeless

Wall 223

The main goal of this research project was to design a housing structure to address the homelessness problem in Charleston, South Carolina. Homelessness is an unsolvable problem – as long as there is a structured society, there will be people who will be homeless. That being said, it doesn’t prevent ways of reducing homelessness. It is recognized that there are certain individuals that don’t want to live in a home, and would rather be living outside (i.e. with no designated home). Therefore, this project isn’t meant to integrate those individuals into housing, but rather the goal was to design a temporary home for those types of citizens. This temporary housing environment would be used as a proper shelter from the outdoors for the homeless citizens. It is a way to provide shelter while these citizens work on a way to get back on their feet. The housing is designed to be modular, in that, multiple units can come together to build a larger structure. Much of the work done on this project at Meadors Inc. was on the mathematical, and conceptual aspects of the project. Consequently, any physical testing on the structure was minimal. Various calculations were done on the structure regarding the several forces that may act on the structure. Although it was not tested, a junction point was designed and built.