Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Production of Gold Nanoparticles via Solution Synthesis


Production of Gold Nanoparticles via Solution Synthesis

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science & Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type


Oral Presentation Award

1st Place


Applications, such as targeted drug delivery, solar power, and pollution treatment, can benefit from the use of gold nanoparticles. An example of an application is the use of gold nanoparticles in organic solar cells. If the correct size, concentration, and placement in the organic solar cell are used, there will be a direct enhancement to the light absorption of the cells. The purpose of this research is the high-yield production of uniform quasi-spherical gold nanoparticles in the size range of 60-100 nm. The particles were synthesized in a solution with Tris Base (TB) solution and Gold as the precursor. The solution refluxed reaction at 96° Celsius in a hot water bath for 30 minutes. Once the particles were an orange-red in color, they are deposited into test bottles. Samples were analyzed using an Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer, X-ray Diffractor, and Scanning Electron Microscope to view the sizes and composition of the nanoparticles. The nanoparticle samples from the first two trials were larger than the intended size range. The last trial was the most successful which yielded a size of 64 nm. In future research, gold nanoparticles will be used in multi-metallic core nanoparticles and targeted drug delivery through encapsulated nanoparticles.


Founders Hall 108 A

Start Date

3-30-2019 8:30 AM

Presentation Format

Oral Only

Group Project


Mar 30th, 8:30 AM

Production of Gold Nanoparticles via Solution Synthesis

Founders Hall 108 A

Applications, such as targeted drug delivery, solar power, and pollution treatment, can benefit from the use of gold nanoparticles. An example of an application is the use of gold nanoparticles in organic solar cells. If the correct size, concentration, and placement in the organic solar cell are used, there will be a direct enhancement to the light absorption of the cells. The purpose of this research is the high-yield production of uniform quasi-spherical gold nanoparticles in the size range of 60-100 nm. The particles were synthesized in a solution with Tris Base (TB) solution and Gold as the precursor. The solution refluxed reaction at 96° Celsius in a hot water bath for 30 minutes. Once the particles were an orange-red in color, they are deposited into test bottles. Samples were analyzed using an Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer, X-ray Diffractor, and Scanning Electron Microscope to view the sizes and composition of the nanoparticles. The nanoparticle samples from the first two trials were larger than the intended size range. The last trial was the most successful which yielded a size of 64 nm. In future research, gold nanoparticles will be used in multi-metallic core nanoparticles and targeted drug delivery through encapsulated nanoparticles.