The Cloning and Expression of the Recombinant Transcriptional Activator AFT1 From Saccharomyces cerevisiae

School Name

South Carolina Governor's School for Science & Mathematics

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type



To better understand Aft1's (Activator of Ferrous Transport 1) molecular mechanism of iron regulation in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), our lab has attempted to express and purify the full length Aft1 protein in E. coli for biochemical analysis. However, these previous attempts have failed. During my six weeks of research, we have successfully constructed an expression vector containing the truncated version of the Aft1 gene using the Gibson assembly protocol. This new plasmid will allow for the expression and purification of Aft1. With large amounts of the purified protein, our lab will be able to explore the DNA and iron-binding properties of Aft1 at the molecular level, allowing for a better understanding of how the protein regulates iron.


Furman Hall 118

Start Date

3-28-2020 10:45 AM

Presentation Format

Oral Only

Group Project


Mar 28th, 10:45 AM

The Cloning and Expression of the Recombinant Transcriptional Activator AFT1 From Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Furman Hall 118

To better understand Aft1's (Activator of Ferrous Transport 1) molecular mechanism of iron regulation in baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), our lab has attempted to express and purify the full length Aft1 protein in E. coli for biochemical analysis. However, these previous attempts have failed. During my six weeks of research, we have successfully constructed an expression vector containing the truncated version of the Aft1 gene using the Gibson assembly protocol. This new plasmid will allow for the expression and purification of Aft1. With large amounts of the purified protein, our lab will be able to explore the DNA and iron-binding properties of Aft1 at the molecular level, allowing for a better understanding of how the protein regulates iron.