Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Exploring the Effectiveness of Single Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerator Hybridization with Anthocyanin Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for the Mitigation of Rain Energy Loss in Rain


Exploring the Effectiveness of Single Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerator Hybridization with Anthocyanin Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for the Mitigation of Rain Energy Loss in Rain

School Name

Spring Valley High School

Grade Level

10th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type


Written Paper Award

2nd Place


Optimizing photovoltaic generators could allow solar energy to be reliable in different climates, enabling widespread solar energy use, thereby combating global warming. This project explores triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) hybridization’s effectiveness with dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) in generating voltage in rain and Sun. It was hypothesized that if a hybrid photovoltaic triboelectric nanogenerator (HPTNG) were tested under rainy and sunny conditions, the HPTNG would generate greater voltage than a bare DSSC (BDSSC) under a rainy condition since the HPTNG’s TENG would equalize voltage lost from the TENG obstructing light while a sunny condition would yield higher voltage for the BDSSC as the condition prevents TENG voltage generation. The sunny condition was simulated by setting a lamp over the solar cells; the rainy condition added a washcloth over the lamp and water drippage. Voltage data of the BDSSC and HPTNG’s DSSC was collected through Labquest 2; TENG data was collected during the rainy condition. The HPTNG’s mean-voltage, in sunny and rainy conditions, displayed a 54% decrease and 455% increase, respectively, from the BDSSC. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA (�� = .05) and Tukey tests, revealing significant voltage differences between the TENG and BDSSC/HPTNG’s DSSC [F(4, 20) = 13.3, p < .001], and significant voltage decreases when comparing the HPTNG’s DSSC to the BDSSC [F(3, 16) = 30.8, p < .001]. The change in weather conditions yielded significant voltage loss in the BDSSC while it was insignificant to the HPTNG’s DSSC. Therefore, HPTNGs have demonstrated potential in preventing voltage losses in rain.


BS 329

Start Date

3-25-2023 11:15 AM

Presentation Format

Oral and Written

Group Project


Mar 25th, 11:15 AM

Exploring the Effectiveness of Single Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerator Hybridization with Anthocyanin Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for the Mitigation of Rain Energy Loss in Rain

BS 329

Optimizing photovoltaic generators could allow solar energy to be reliable in different climates, enabling widespread solar energy use, thereby combating global warming. This project explores triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) hybridization’s effectiveness with dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) in generating voltage in rain and Sun. It was hypothesized that if a hybrid photovoltaic triboelectric nanogenerator (HPTNG) were tested under rainy and sunny conditions, the HPTNG would generate greater voltage than a bare DSSC (BDSSC) under a rainy condition since the HPTNG’s TENG would equalize voltage lost from the TENG obstructing light while a sunny condition would yield higher voltage for the BDSSC as the condition prevents TENG voltage generation. The sunny condition was simulated by setting a lamp over the solar cells; the rainy condition added a washcloth over the lamp and water drippage. Voltage data of the BDSSC and HPTNG’s DSSC was collected through Labquest 2; TENG data was collected during the rainy condition. The HPTNG’s mean-voltage, in sunny and rainy conditions, displayed a 54% decrease and 455% increase, respectively, from the BDSSC. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA (�� = .05) and Tukey tests, revealing significant voltage differences between the TENG and BDSSC/HPTNG’s DSSC [F(4, 20) = 13.3, p < .001], and significant voltage decreases when comparing the HPTNG’s DSSC to the BDSSC [F(3, 16) = 30.8, p < .001]. The change in weather conditions yielded significant voltage loss in the BDSSC while it was insignificant to the HPTNG’s DSSC. Therefore, HPTNGs have demonstrated potential in preventing voltage losses in rain.