Furman University Scholar Exchange - South Carolina Junior Academy of Science: Proofs of Two Fibonacci Identities


Proofs of Two Fibonacci Identities

School Name

Fort Dorchester High School

Grade Level

12th Grade

Presentation Topic


Presentation Type


Oral Presentation Award

3rd Place


Fibonacci numbers are a recursive sequence that were originally used to model the breeding of rabbits under ideal circumstances. Fibonacci numbers are also connected to other topics of number theory like: binomial coefficients and Pascal's triangle. We present solutions for two open problems from The Fibonacci Quarterly. Using known identities and knowledge of Fibonacci, we solved problems B-1301 and B-1305.

Start Date

3-25-2023 11:00 PM

Presentation Format

Written Only

Group Project


Mar 25th, 11:00 PM

Proofs of Two Fibonacci Identities

Fibonacci numbers are a recursive sequence that were originally used to model the breeding of rabbits under ideal circumstances. Fibonacci numbers are also connected to other topics of number theory like: binomial coefficients and Pascal's triangle. We present solutions for two open problems from The Fibonacci Quarterly. Using known identities and knowledge of Fibonacci, we solved problems B-1301 and B-1305.