Equivalent Limits of Fibonacci and Lucas Fractions
School Name
Academic Magnet High School
Grade Level
11th Grade
Presentation Topic
Presentation Type
Written Paper Award
3rd Place
This presentation is based on results that stemmed from a problem introduced in the Fibonacci Quarterly in 2023. Building upon this problem and its solution we extend the inquiry to investigate the limits associated with it. Specifically, the study delves into the behavior of two fractions linked to Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, exploring their convergence patterns. In this presentation the close relation between these mentioned limits and the golden ratio will be demonstrated.
Recommended Citation
George, Molly, "Equivalent Limits of Fibonacci and Lucas Fractions" (2024). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 397.
RITA 273
Start Date
3-23-2024 10:45 AM
Presentation Format
Oral Only
Group Project
Equivalent Limits of Fibonacci and Lucas Fractions
RITA 273
This presentation is based on results that stemmed from a problem introduced in the Fibonacci Quarterly in 2023. Building upon this problem and its solution we extend the inquiry to investigate the limits associated with it. Specifically, the study delves into the behavior of two fractions linked to Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, exploring their convergence patterns. In this presentation the close relation between these mentioned limits and the golden ratio will be demonstrated.