Correlation Between Kudzu and Soil Salinity
School Name
Chapin High School
Grade Level
12th Grade
Presentation Topic
Environmental Science
Presentation Type
Today, kudzu is estimated to span over three million hectares, or 30 billion square meters. Kudzu continues to spread at a rate of 50 thousand hectares, or 500 million square meters per year. Kudzu has been shown to increase nitric oxide and ozone pollution in the atmosphere, so this research looks into how kudzu affects the soil below. Soil salinity is the amount of dissolved salts (such as sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride) in a particular sample of soil. Having plants at an unnatural soil salinity to them can lead to limited plant growth, or possibly its death, although plants can temporarily adapt to soil salinity by shrinking their root cells. This leads to the research question: To what extent is the correlation between a kudzu infestation and the salinity of soil within 3 feet of a kudzu infestation in South Carolina prevalent? It is hypothesized that if kudzu is present within three feet of sampled soil, then the soil will have a higher salinity than soil farther than three feet away from kudzu. After analyzing using a Two-Sample T-Test, it was found that there was a strong correlation, with the hypothesis being proven correct. There is a definite correlation between a kudzu infestation and the soil salinity within 3 feet of the kudzu infestation.
Recommended Citation
Withers, Alexandra, "Correlation Between Kudzu and Soil Salinity" (2024). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 418.
RITA 154
Start Date
3-23-2024 9:15 AM
Presentation Format
Oral and Written
Group Project
Correlation Between Kudzu and Soil Salinity
RITA 154
Today, kudzu is estimated to span over three million hectares, or 30 billion square meters. Kudzu continues to spread at a rate of 50 thousand hectares, or 500 million square meters per year. Kudzu has been shown to increase nitric oxide and ozone pollution in the atmosphere, so this research looks into how kudzu affects the soil below. Soil salinity is the amount of dissolved salts (such as sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride) in a particular sample of soil. Having plants at an unnatural soil salinity to them can lead to limited plant growth, or possibly its death, although plants can temporarily adapt to soil salinity by shrinking their root cells. This leads to the research question: To what extent is the correlation between a kudzu infestation and the salinity of soil within 3 feet of a kudzu infestation in South Carolina prevalent? It is hypothesized that if kudzu is present within three feet of sampled soil, then the soil will have a higher salinity than soil farther than three feet away from kudzu. After analyzing using a Two-Sample T-Test, it was found that there was a strong correlation, with the hypothesis being proven correct. There is a definite correlation between a kudzu infestation and the soil salinity within 3 feet of the kudzu infestation.