Polymer Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Brain Imaging
School Name
South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics
Grade Level
12th Grade
Presentation Topic
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation Award
3rd Place
Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) cause a deficiency in an enzyme that is needed to break down large molecules inside the body's cells. An example of this would be a genetic disorder called GM1 Gangliosidosis that has been untreated because of its difficult nature. However, advances in nanoparticle drug delivery may make it possible to deliver the deficient enzyme into the lysosome via a polymersome (PS). A PS is a drug delivery particle that, in our case, was made up of hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid. The polymers have high biocompatibility and degrade in acidic environments, allowing the PS to break down in the lysosome and release the enzyme inside. While synthesizing the PSs, we encapsulated ultrasmall paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) to allow for use as a contrast agent in MRIs, tagged the PS with a protein to give it direction in the body, and wanted to perform a study to ensure it is safe in vitro. Our studies showed that the iron oxide in the PSs made it act like a dual contrast agent with a darkening effect. We also came across a few obstacles in protein tagging, due to the insoluble nature of one of our polymers, making us attempt three different methods of synthesis. Lastly, my participation in cell work allowed us to conclude that our PSs are biocompatible. This research is a start to gaining therapeutic and diagnostic knowledge for LSDs.
Recommended Citation
Shah, Naisha, "Polymer Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Brain Imaging" (2024). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 434.
RITA 363
Start Date
3-23-2024 9:00 AM
Presentation Format
Oral Only
Group Project
Polymer Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Brain Imaging
RITA 363
Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) cause a deficiency in an enzyme that is needed to break down large molecules inside the body's cells. An example of this would be a genetic disorder called GM1 Gangliosidosis that has been untreated because of its difficult nature. However, advances in nanoparticle drug delivery may make it possible to deliver the deficient enzyme into the lysosome via a polymersome (PS). A PS is a drug delivery particle that, in our case, was made up of hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid. The polymers have high biocompatibility and degrade in acidic environments, allowing the PS to break down in the lysosome and release the enzyme inside. While synthesizing the PSs, we encapsulated ultrasmall paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) to allow for use as a contrast agent in MRIs, tagged the PS with a protein to give it direction in the body, and wanted to perform a study to ensure it is safe in vitro. Our studies showed that the iron oxide in the PSs made it act like a dual contrast agent with a darkening effect. We also came across a few obstacles in protein tagging, due to the insoluble nature of one of our polymers, making us attempt three different methods of synthesis. Lastly, my participation in cell work allowed us to conclude that our PSs are biocompatible. This research is a start to gaining therapeutic and diagnostic knowledge for LSDs.