Phone Case Material and Bacteria
School Name
Chapin High School
Grade Level
11th Grade
Presentation Topic
Cell and Molecular Biology
Presentation Type
Phones are often carried everywhere with their users, therefore they pick up an extensive amount of bacteria, but does the material of the phone case have any significance on the quantity and type of bacteria that is acquired and carried on the phone? Studies from the University of Arizona found that phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats (Abrams, 2017) making this an important topic of discussion for both the sanitation of the phone and the health of the user. This study includes the data collection of bacteria and pathogens located on phones through the incorporation of three different material phone cases: Polycarbonate (PC), Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), and Silicon, as well as a phone without a case, which will be the control group. These three materials were selected through the analysis of the most popular and supplied case materials. The test variables, consisting of the different material cases, will be utilized for a week by participants on their personal cell phones before analysis of the data takes place in order for the cases to get enough exposure to their surroundings. The importance of this study would be to increase awareness for not only high schoolers, but other demographics, about the importance of sanitizing phones/phone cases.
Recommended Citation
Kujawa, Jennifer, "Phone Case Material and Bacteria" (2025). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 16.
Start Date
4-5-2025 9:30 AM
Presentation Format
Oral and Written
Group Project
Phone Case Material and Bacteria
Phones are often carried everywhere with their users, therefore they pick up an extensive amount of bacteria, but does the material of the phone case have any significance on the quantity and type of bacteria that is acquired and carried on the phone? Studies from the University of Arizona found that phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats (Abrams, 2017) making this an important topic of discussion for both the sanitation of the phone and the health of the user. This study includes the data collection of bacteria and pathogens located on phones through the incorporation of three different material phone cases: Polycarbonate (PC), Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), and Silicon, as well as a phone without a case, which will be the control group. These three materials were selected through the analysis of the most popular and supplied case materials. The test variables, consisting of the different material cases, will be utilized for a week by participants on their personal cell phones before analysis of the data takes place in order for the cases to get enough exposure to their surroundings. The importance of this study would be to increase awareness for not only high schoolers, but other demographics, about the importance of sanitizing phones/phone cases.