Rocket Altitude Control Utilizing Adjustable Drag Fins
School Name
Center for Advanced Technical Studies
Grade Level
12th Grade
Presentation Topic
Presentation Type
My project aims to address altitude control in competitive rocketry by utilizing adjustable drag fins. The drag fins would be deployed after motor burnout and generate enough drag to slow the rocket enough to hit a specified target altitude, which is crucial in rocketry competitions that score based on altitude.
Recommended Citation
Schaefer, Joah, "Rocket Altitude Control Utilizing Adjustable Drag Fins" (2025). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 8.
WALL 308
Start Date
4-5-2025 10:45 AM
Presentation Format
Oral Only
Group Project
Rocket Altitude Control Utilizing Adjustable Drag Fins
WALL 308
My project aims to address altitude control in competitive rocketry by utilizing adjustable drag fins. The drag fins would be deployed after motor burnout and generate enough drag to slow the rocket enough to hit a specified target altitude, which is crucial in rocketry competitions that score based on altitude.