The Repellent Effectiveness of Momordica charantia L. Against Musca domestica.
School Name
Spring Valley High School
Grade Level
10th Grade
Presentation Topic
Environmental Science
Presentation Type
Pesticides are used globally and their main purpose is to deter or kill insects. However, exposure to them can be detrimental to an individual's health (Marcelino et al., 2019). The purpose of this study was to create a natural pesticide that is safe yet effective with Momordica charantia L. (bitter melon) that repels the Musca domestica (house fly). It was hypothesized that as the amount of liquified Momordica charantia L. increased in the solution, the repellence of the Musca domestica would increase due to the alkaloids present having insect repelling factors. The Musca domesticas were contained inside an enclosement with two zones, zone 1 being sprayed with the natural pesticide, and zone 2 not being sprayed with anything. The Musca domestica was then placed inside the enclosement for 60 second trials and its behavior was recorded. The results of the p-table show a value below 0.0001, suggesting that the results were statistically significant. It was concluded that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the natural Momordica charantia L. solution successfully repels the Musca domestica.
Recommended Citation
Usmani, Faiq, "The Repellent Effectiveness of Momordica charantia L. Against Musca domestica." (2025). South Carolina Junior Academy of Science. 90.
Start Date
4-5-2025 9:30 AM
Presentation Format
Oral and Written
Group Project
The Repellent Effectiveness of Momordica charantia L. Against Musca domestica.
Pesticides are used globally and their main purpose is to deter or kill insects. However, exposure to them can be detrimental to an individual's health (Marcelino et al., 2019). The purpose of this study was to create a natural pesticide that is safe yet effective with Momordica charantia L. (bitter melon) that repels the Musca domestica (house fly). It was hypothesized that as the amount of liquified Momordica charantia L. increased in the solution, the repellence of the Musca domestica would increase due to the alkaloids present having insect repelling factors. The Musca domesticas were contained inside an enclosement with two zones, zone 1 being sprayed with the natural pesticide, and zone 2 not being sprayed with anything. The Musca domestica was then placed inside the enclosement for 60 second trials and its behavior was recorded. The results of the p-table show a value below 0.0001, suggesting that the results were statistically significant. It was concluded that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the natural Momordica charantia L. solution successfully repels the Musca domestica.