Emily Dotson; Parker Driggs; Marina Cox; Sofía Kearns
Emily Dotson; Parker Driggs; Marina Cox; Sofía Kearns
Video interview with Víctor Velásquez. Víctor Velásquez worked in the Colombian textile industry before moving to the United States. Victor came to Greenville, SC, in 1978. He became a doffer, and worked in the Woodside Mill and then the Beatty Plant. In his oral history Victor tells about his work in textiles in the Greenville area, describes his job, as well as the jobs he had after the mills closed. He compares the textile industry in Medellín to the industry in Greenville, and also compares Colombian life to life in the United States. Victor shares some funny situations about adapting to life and work in the U.S., and his relationships with friends, other Hispanics in the area, coworkers, and supervisors. Victor concludes with looking back positively on his forty years in the Greenville area.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship, Student Scholarship
Greenville (S.C)
Recommended Citation
Velásquez, Víctor; Kearns, Sofía; Ramos, Ingrid; Cox, Marina; and Maness, Whitney, "Víctor Velásquez" (2018). Oral Histories of Colombian Textile Workers in Greenville, SC. 15.
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