Furman Magazine
Volume 54, Issue 2, Summer 2011
Complete Volume
Furman Magazine. Volume 54, Issue 2 - Full Issue
Furman University
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Furman University
Breakthrough Victory
Julie Prince Pare
An Elegant Life
Jim Stewart
A Legacy of Service
Jim Stewart
10 Years After
Eric Berg, Jack Sullivan, Amy Buttell, Sarah E. Worth, and Anna Martin Winter
Hallmarks of Furman's 2011 retirees: Commitment, foresight and integrity
Sarah E. Worth '92, Paul Wagenknecht '86, Steve Richardson '77, Gil Einstein, and Bill Pierce
IMC students win national competition
Furman University
Major honors awarded at close of Spring Semester
Furman University
Conference names Arguello Female Athlete of Year
Furman University
Club sports make noise on national scene
Furman University
One professor's influence: Ruth Reid
Jerry Thomas
Belcher named Western Carolina chancellor; Newman retires at Shorter
Furman University
Parrish awarded Rangel Fellowship
Furman University
Thanks for everything, CD
Jim Stewart
Company's efforts designed to improve heart surgery
Nancy Fulbright '95 and Abby Vogel Robinson
A legend steps down
Jim Stewart
The Standard Bearers
Vince Moore
Regular Features
Because Furman Matters: A message from the President
Rodney A. Smolla
Because Furman Matters
Furman University
Now for the rest of the story...
Jim Stewart
Furman Alumni News
Furman University
2011-12 Alumni Board of Directors
Furman University
Alum update: Episcopal Church taps Sauls
Episcopal News Service
End Matter
Back Cover
Furman University