Furman University Scholar Exchange - Furman Engaged!: Chiral Vibrations and Collective Bands in 104 Mo


Chiral Vibrations and Collective Bands in 104 Mo

Department, Center, or Institute


Presentation Format

Individual Oral Presentation

Presentation Type



High spin states of the neutron-rich 104Mo nucleus which is known to be triaxial have been reinvestigated by analyzing the γ-rays in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with Gammasphere. Both γ-γ-γ and γ-γ-γ-γ coincidence data were analyzed. A new ∆I=1 band has been discovered. The new band is proposed to have a tentative 5− band head and form a class of chiral doublets with another 4− band previously found by our group [1]. Angular correlation measurements have been performed to determine spin and parity of the 4− chiral band head. The energies of the two sets of chiral bands are very similar to the chiral bands observed in 106Mo [2], e.g. the two 5− levels in 104Mo are at 2211.9 and 2276.8 keV with ∆E=65 keV and in 106Mo, 1952.4 and 2090.6 keV with ∆E=138 keV [2]. Now at every spin 5−, 6−, 7−, 8−, the separation energies of the same spin states are about a factor of two smaller than in 106Mo. This indicates even better agreement with expectations for two sets of chiral bands.

Department Organized Oral Session Title

Multi-disciplinary Research


Andrea Wright

Session Length

80 minutes

Session Number


Start Date and Time

4-4-2017 2:30 PM


Furman Hall 111

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Apr 4th, 2:30 PM

Chiral Vibrations and Collective Bands in 104 Mo

Furman Hall 111

High spin states of the neutron-rich 104Mo nucleus which is known to be triaxial have been reinvestigated by analyzing the γ-rays in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with Gammasphere. Both γ-γ-γ and γ-γ-γ-γ coincidence data were analyzed. A new ∆I=1 band has been discovered. The new band is proposed to have a tentative 5− band head and form a class of chiral doublets with another 4− band previously found by our group [1]. Angular correlation measurements have been performed to determine spin and parity of the 4− chiral band head. The energies of the two sets of chiral bands are very similar to the chiral bands observed in 106Mo [2], e.g. the two 5− levels in 104Mo are at 2211.9 and 2276.8 keV with ∆E=65 keV and in 106Mo, 1952.4 and 2090.6 keV with ∆E=138 keV [2]. Now at every spin 5−, 6−, 7−, 8−, the separation energies of the same spin states are about a factor of two smaller than in 106Mo. This indicates even better agreement with expectations for two sets of chiral bands.