| 2017


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Tuesday, April 4th
9:00 AM

A Bitter Pill to Swallow: A study of the overlooked aspects of health care

Sarah Wood

9:00 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

A Comparative Analysis of Nineteenth Century Travel Literature in Cuba

Hannah DuBois

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

A Discussion of Computer Science Education in American Middle and Elementary Schools

Haley Cottingham

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

ACIS Running Team at Furman Digital Magazine

Kendall Hawthorne
Allie Buchalski
Simone Corpora
Morgan Rains

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Activation-Induced Chromatin Decondensation in the Lymphoid Lineage

Alynna Knaub
Sierra McDonald

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Affinity and Structural Characterizion of Biological AT Hook Motif Variants

Kaitlyn Dobbins

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Alternative Teaching Methods for Intro Programming

Trilby Hren

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Research In Chemistry Session One

An Abiotic Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleobases

Alyssa Clay

9:00 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

An Exploration of Health, Disparities, and What We Should Do About It

Kate Causey

9:00 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Multicultural inquiry project

Anxiety disorders and their impact on children in the classroom

Kathryn Painter

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



APEC Voices of the Future 2016

APEC Voices of the Future 2016

Julia Reynolds
John Bleed
London Anderson
Emilee O'Brien
Tien Hoang

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 208

Politics and International Affairs


Assessing the accuracy of weather forecasts

Michael Headley

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies

Athlete’s Social Capital Influences and Feelings of Team Cohesion

Katie Hirsch
Jessica Greene

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

Beyond the Label

Alex Brannan

9:00 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Research In Chemistry Session One

Biofouling-resistant fabrics

Melissa Kuester

9:00 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Brooklyn Nets/Barclay Center

Gabriella Susz

9:00 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Senior Art Presentations

By Grace

Courtney Jacobs

9:00 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Research In Chemistry Session One

C-H activation of silyl ethers

Ben Mitchell

9:00 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Canadian Parliament

Reed Chisenhall

9:00 AM


Politics and International Affairs

Poster (tri-fold)

Research Projects in Mathematics

Characterizing Graphs wth Disconnected Gamma Graphs

Danny Rivers

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Children of incacerated parents

Lindy Perry
Britt Viergever

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Engaged Learning in Economics

City of Charlotte Office of Neighborhood and Business Services

Tucker Smith

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

Coffee in Downtown Greenville Digital Magazine

Reagan Walters
Graham Dabbs
Georgia Compton
Jacob Milchuk

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Community Journals-E Price

Lee Mowry

9:00 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Comparing Media Portrayals of the 2001 Financial Crisis in Argentina

McKenna Luzynski

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Comparison of Peak Ground Reaction Forces of Flexible Barbell and Steel Olympic Barbell at Various Lifting Speeds

Simone Alimonti

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Deformation and metamorphism in the Fingerville East 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Bryce Seymour

9:00 AM


Earth and Environmental Science

Poster (less than 64")

Detection of Two Tick-borne Disease Pathogens and the Effects of the Built Environment on the Occupancy of the Tick Hosts

Anika Abrahamson
Grace Thacker
Connor Wise

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Multicultural inquiry project

Development of disabilities in children born prematurely

Melina Bricker

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Engaged Learning in Economics

deVere Group

Natasha Lushina

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Research

Does napping help us deactivate old intentions?

Jenny Sun

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Does religion have a role in public education?

Katy Russell

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Psychology research

Does the Early Bird Get the Worm? Wake Time and Academic Outcomes in College Students

Sarah Mickool

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Duke Water Resources Lake Restoration Project

Josie Newton
Sonia Clemens

9:00 AM


Shi Center for Sustainability

Poster (less than 64")

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Education Policy in Cuba: Before and After 1959

Hayley Lyman

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Effects of thrombin on fibrin accumulation following a spinal cord injury in a hostile and non-hostile environment using a chick embryo model

Elizabeth Kean

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

Emotional Truth Versus Legal Truth and the Falsehoods In-Between: The Functionality of Dual Narrators in Charles Dickens’s Bleak House

Erin Mellor

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

English Language Learners

Caroline Brearley

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



External Relations: Continuity and Change

Examining China's Strategic Orientation in the Middle East: An Operational Code Analysis if the Xi Jinping Administration

Daniel Zhang

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Examining the impact of the artificial nucleobase imidazole on the properties of silver(I) clusters.

Elizabeth Baucum

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

Failing at Home: Ignoring the Vulnerable in Victorian Society

Meghan Gillogly

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice

Faith and Experience in Shikoku and Santiago Pilgrimage”

Alex Aboutanos

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice

Faith in Pure Land Buddhism and Protestant Theology

Jared Buchholz

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

Falls Park Digital Magazine

Shannon Hessen
Kate Mancosh
Will Stevens
Alex Finkel

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Free Internet Services are a Myth: Exploitation of User Data by Free Internet Services

Mehmood Mallick

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

FUEL the Community: Feeding the Homeless

Sara Mixon

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

Furman Men's Golf Digital Magazine

Vanessa Chambers
Gretchen Smitson
Bryce Howell
Jonah Sheats

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Gay and Lesbian famillies in the classroom

Grace Linton
PollyRose Philpot

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies

Gender Composition and Group Involvement

Emily Martin
Matt Reeve

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation


Emily Vanderkwaak

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival

Emilio Alverson

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Greenville Symphony Orchestra

Guy Maurice Meares

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Health Disparities and Potential Solutions

Carlee Campbell

9:00 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies

"Heeere’s Johnny!" The Relationship between Horror Film Exposure and Death Anxiety

Matthew Batson
Kendall Krebs

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning in Economics

Hollingsworth Undergraduate Research Program

Kyle Courtney
Matthew Deininger
Samikshya Pandey

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning in Economics

Hollingsworth Undergraduate Research Program

Julia Copperwheat
Emma Winiski

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project


Candace Johnson

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Multicultural inquiry project

Homelessness and its effects on academic achievement

Caroline Holley
Ashley Megregian

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



How Data Mining Pre-processing Techniques Affect the Efficiency of Machine Learning Algorithms

Augustus Hayfron

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Multicultural inquiry project

How family backgrounds influence student achievement

Chandler Massey

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Multicultural inquiry project

How to teach children with trauma: Study on the German school system's response to the influx of Syrian refugees

Emily Matthews

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 205



Hâfu: An Analysis of "Japaneseness" and Its Effects on Mixed Race Japanese

Rachel Celestime

9:00 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning in Economics

Immunotech Laboratories BG

Hristiyan Savov

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Spanish

Improving Health Access: An Internship with the Hispanic Alliance

Kayla Wiles

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Indigenous Politics and State Relations in Contemporary Ecuador

Sarah Luke

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Insights on Ancient Greece from the Iliad's Oldest Manuscript

Emmett Baumgarten
James Bergman
Gunner Hedden
Christina Hicks
De'Sean Markley

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

KORE Foundation

Lexie Harvey

9:00 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Living Well in Worship

Britt Harris
Miguel Negrete

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning in Economics

Manchester Trade

Jai-Ryung (Jenny) Lee

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Mapuche Identity and Indigenous Relations with the State in Chile after the 1973 Coup

Alexander Vogt

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Mario Monje and Che Guevara in Bolivia, 1967: A Clash of Ideologies

Stephanie Betts

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Research Projects in Mathematics

Math and Medicine: Using Mathematical Tools to Personalize Treatments

Lindsay Eddy
Jordan Brown

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation


Jeffrey "Austin" Foster

9:00 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Internships in Spanish

Medical Interpreting

Lizabeth González

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Microglia migration towards spinal cord injury site in hostile chemical environment

Ansley Ulmer

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Mixed Monolayer of Mercaptoundecanoic Acid (MUA) and Dodecanethiol (DDT) on Gold

James Watkins

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Multicultural inquiry project

Multicultural children's literature in today's classroom

Reilly Mahan

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Internships in Spanish

My First Steps into the Real World

Nomonde Gila

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning in Economics

Nasha Lending

Josh Brickell

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation


Jeremiah Ockunzzi

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Engaged Learning in Economics

NorthStar Financial

Alex Dupre

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Northwestern Mutual

Austin Saggus

9:00 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Optical Fibers for Sensible Technology

Amber Vargas

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

Patriarchal Fog

Aubrey Connors

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

External Relations: Continuity and Change

Perpetual Tenure, the Nature of African Presidency

Alexis Muhumure

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Perspectives of male/female teachers in the elementary classroom

Maddy Gentry
Justin Paden

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



External Relations: Continuity and Change

Policy Analysis: Rebalance to Asia

Kelsey Orr

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Preventing bullying in the school community

Catherine McNeela

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis

Real-time Streaming and Visualization of 3D Gait Analysis

Larkidus Robinson
Kathryn D'Ablemont

9:00 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC) - HP1

Health Sciences


Multicultural inquiry project

Relevance of multiculutral education

Sophia Denaro

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Relus Technology

Kristine Kliphouse

9:00 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration

Resting and Exercise Electrocardiography demonstration

John Chauvin
Charlotte Levering
Jess Hickey

9:00 AM


Health Sciences


Engaged Learning in Economics

Riverside Company

Kathleen Marsh

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Roatan Marine

Ben Yetman

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Role of p38 MAPK and NF-kB signaling in chromatin decondensation and acquisition of cytokine competence during T cell activation

Jen Funsten
Keny Murillo

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Senior Art Presentations

Secondhand Judgment

Aaron Navarro

9:00 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Spanish

Servicio en la Fundación El Arenal: A Summer in Ecuador

Sarah Luke

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Single parent homes and the effect they have on student achievement

Kathleen Reinhart

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



External Relations: Continuity and Change

South China Sea - Predicting Confrontation Levels of State Actors

Sam Kristin Can

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Students with moderate disabilities in the general education classroom

Kristin Farrar
Jessica McDowell

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

Sustainability at Furman Digital Magazine

Ty Randell
Hope Kelly
Chad Boltz
Kelly Spencer

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Symmetric Private Keys vs. Asymmetric Public Keys

Jake Gavin

9:00 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Synthetic Strategies for Anchoring Fe(II)-Ti(IV) Dyes onto TiO2 for Use in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.

Alexis Myers

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

Telescopic Philanthropy: Gendered and Hierarchical Charity in the Victorian Era

Natalie Curry

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

The 2017 French Presidential Election: Students' Mock Party Platforms, Logos, and Campaign Ads

The 2017 French Presidential Election: Students' Mock Party Platforms, Logos, and Campaign Ads (session conducted in French)

Virginia Britt
Annie Curtiss
Kim Debacher
Eden Dukes
Mary Sinclair Filchak
Cate Harmon
Theresa Lunsford
Cesi Martinez
Robert Meyer
Kristen Rafuse
Meredith Stickels
Jeff Tonge
Olivia Walters
Emma Waters

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures


The Art of Linguistic Identity: An Analysis of Queer Japanese Speech

Jackie Wisdom

9:00 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning in Economics

The Capital Corporation

Emma Smith

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

The Capital Corporation

Emerson Smith

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

The Complexities of Nationalism in Mid Twenteith-Century Cuban Art

Erin Haseley

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

The Devil in the Details: Accessories and Character Construction in Bleak House

Margaret Shelton

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

The effect of having a multicultural school leader

Ellison Cleghorn

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Psychology Research

The effect of the modified-SPS model on ethanol oral self-administration in rats

Asha Mehta
Nikita Desphande

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

The effects of speech and language deficits on literacy development

Kendall Korey

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Engaged Learning in Economics

The Export-Import Bank of China

Junyang Chai

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

The Great Wave: Japan's Influence on Western Art

Alyssa Page

9:00 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Research

The In Vitro Role of the PDGF-PDGFR-β Signaling Pathway in Retinoblastoma Cell Survival and Death.

Madison Ritter

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Sociological Analysis of Group Dynamics and Culture/Media Studies

The Influence of Gender Composition of Films on the Portrayal of Mental Health Conditions

Payton Baker
Kassy Potamis

9:00 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

The John Psathas Percussion Project Part 2

The John Psathas Percussion Project Part 2

Justin Lamb
Emma Gierszal

9:00 AM

Daniel Music Building Room 13



Multicultural inquiry project

The Muslin population in American education

Porter Grant

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Research Projects in Mathematics

The Phony Express: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Carol Lewis

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

The Revolutionary Climate of Latin American Cinema in the 1960s and 1970s

Ann Lanford

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

The Statist Origins of the Drug War in Mexico

Chris Razo

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

The Test Retest of Internal Reliability of the Bod Pod

Donovan Franks
John C. McCallister-Ashley
Barrett J. Maddox
Logan B. McCarter

9:00 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Ritual and Faith in Buddhist Practice

The Theravada Kathina Rite at a Carolina Wat: A Reinterpretation

David Kleine

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

The Women's Movement in Revolutionary Nicaragua

Alice Navarro

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Research In Chemistry Session One

Thermodynamic Profiling of the Inhibition of HMGA Binding to AT Rich DNA by Netropsin

Ralph White III

9:00 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Thrombin's influence on the phagocytosis of microglial cells during spinal cord injury

Sahila Bahra

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning in Economics


Iva Matiashvili

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Research In Chemistry Session One

Total Synthesis of Hibiscone B

Hayden Rudd

9:00 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Victorian Literature and Culture panel

Transcending Class Discourse: Esther's Role in Bleak House

Courtney Kratz

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Multicultural inquiry project

Transgender students

Dorothy Walton

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 206



Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Making of the Drug War in Colombia

Michael Robinson

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

U.S. Views of the Nicaraguan Liberationist Church During the 1980s

Caroline LeGrand

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Use of Transcranial Stimulation (tCS) to Alter Resting Brainwaves and Memory

Michael Tan

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Video and Social Media as a Medium for Current Communications

Video and Social Media as a Medium for Current Communications

Elena Oertel
Sallie Braun
Julia Norton

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Shi Center for Sustainability

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning in Economics

Weitzman Group

Connor Lynch

9:00 AM

Riley Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

What are Upstate forests worth?

Logan Richardson

9:00 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Latin American Studies Senior Research Papers

Women's Bodies, Healthcare and Revolution in Cuba

Malia Fraioli

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 107

Latin American Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Working with Greenville Health System's In-House Council

Anna Mazzuckelli

9:00 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Internships in Spanish

Working with Neighbors Down the Road and Across the Sea

Sunyeop Lee

9:00 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Collaborative Marketing Community Engagement: Interactive Digital Magazines

Young professional's Guide to Greenville Digital Magazine

Hilton Kennington
Tim Lewis
Claudia Bove
Addison Delancey

9:00 AM

Hipp Hall 102

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation


Gabrielle Haddad

9:00 AM


Modern Languages and Literatures

Poster (tri-fold)

10:30 AM

Psychology Internships Panel #1

ABA with Children with Autism & Summer Research at the Child Language and Literacy Lab

Allison Walker

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Adoption Trends in Modern Spain

Maria Bartlett

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Algorithmic Game Theory: An Exciting Intersection Between Economics and Computer Science

Grace Filipski

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

An Indoor Localization System for Visually Impaired Students

Mehmood Mallick

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Analysis of Phytoestrogens Found in the Symbiotic Relationship Between Sea Anemone and Algae Using HPLC UV-VIS and MS

Kathleen Mowery

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Analysis of Stellar Mass Dependence on the Environment using Data Mining Techniques

Brooks Musangu

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Antecedents and Healthy Food Choices: Effects of a Healthy Eating Program in a Fast-Casual Restaurant

Carson Hall

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (less than 64")

ATO Records

Kendall Hawthorne

10:30 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Sociological Insights on the Effect of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status

#BAErack Obama: How a College Student’s Socioeconomic Status Influences their Perspective on Barack Obama’s Legacy

Laurin Bixby
Nicole Hyman

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Biochemical characterization of alpha-synuclein protein aggregates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Laura Bloodworth
Mary Sinclair Filchak

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Bioorganic Wiki: Linking the Relationship between Creative Language and Academic Success

Jasmine Bui

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Carolina Crown Inc

Emily Salgado

10:30 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Government/Legal Internships

City of Salem VA Mayor's Office

Mary (Sadie) Remington

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

Commemorating the Legacy of Feminism

Emily Martin

10:30 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Community Works, LLC

Nate Boehm

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Comparison of the Effect of Flexible Barbell Weight Position on Max Ground Reaction Force

Sun Lee

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Research in Chemistry Session Two

Computational Modeling of Hibiscone C Reactivity

Haochen Tan

10:30 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Outstanding First Year Writing Seminar

Concrete Application

Shannon Duke

10:30 AM

Haynsworth Room (Library)

First Year Seminar

Individual Oral Presentation

Dallas Fellows Program-Coats Home Builder

Jonathan Smith

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Research in Chemistry Session Two

Designing Fe(II)-Ti(IV) complexes that are inert to oxidative and photochemical decomposition

Danai Agakidou

10:30 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

DFS Creative Concepts

Olivia Johnson

10:30 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Dining for Women

Meredith Dixon
Amanda Burth

10:30 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Doing historical research on a multimedia platform

Yilan Luo

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Eating Disorders in Spain

Jennifer Coggins

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Effects of a high fat diet on cognition: microbes and microglia

Scotlyn Patterson
Juhi Saxena

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Effects of Point-of-Purchase Advertising on Healthy Food Choice in a Grocery Store

Karina Nazareth

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (less than 64")

Research in Neuroscience #1

Epigenetic Profiling of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Gavin Rice

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Farm Cart

Hailey Napier

10:30 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Field Guide of Common Birds, Plants and Animals Found at Clarissa Falls, Cayo District, Belize

Darby Moore

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

“Fore-runners of Destruction”: The English View of Continental Prodigies during the Thirty Years War

Abigail Hartman

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Outstanding First Year Writing Seminar

Forgotten Casualties

Monika Schindwolf

10:30 AM

Haynsworth Room (Library)

First Year Seminar

Individual Oral Presentation

From Computer-speak to Computer-ese: Generalizing our Approach to Code Translation

Danny Rivers

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Furman's Path to Carbon Neutrality: Ten Years and Counting

Joe Hiebert
Logan Richardson

10:30 AM


Shi Center for Sustainability

Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Greenville Mental Helath Center Internship

Michael Tan

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Growth and Structural Characterization of Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs): Dodecanethiol and 11-Mercaptoundecanol

Alexis Glover

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Health: More Than Just a Personal Problem

Laura Paige Penkert

10:30 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

“Here, Let Me Help You”: How Accepting or Rejecting Ageist Behaviors Affect Impressions

Erin Haseley

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

History Museum and Archives Internship

Tyler Edmond

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

How the Medicine, Health, and Culture Minor Prepared Me to Be a Better Doctor

Audrey Ward

10:30 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Research in Chemistry Session Two

Identification of Cr: DNA Adducts Utilizing UPLC-ESI-MS

Johnny Cordoba

10:30 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Information and Data Visualization: A Case Study of the Ebola Multimedia Project

Casey Ryan
Hayley Schulze

10:30 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (less than 64")

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Internship: Greenville Chautauqua

Anna Lanford

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Internship: Public Relations in Sydney, Australia

Katie Foster

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Internship: The Charleston Museum

Marina Baldwin

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Chemistry Session Two

Investigating the Fe(II)-Binding Antioxidant Activity of Thione and Selone Complexes Utilizing Gel Electrophoresis, Polymerase Chain Reaction and HPLC

Emily Kurfman

10:30 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Is It What You Say or How You Say It?” An Examination of Gender and Self-Presentation

Jackson Pearce

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

JSE16 Religion in Modern Day Japan: A Need for Change

Caleigh Allen

10:30 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

JSE16 The Connection Between Western Politics and the Acceptance of New Religions in Japan

Addison Adrian

10:30 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

JSE16 Zen and the Samurais

Isaiah Baker

10:30 AM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Living Well in Early Childhood Childcare Settings: Evaluating the Impact of a Community-Based Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Project

John Chauvin
Maura Drewry
Kjersti Kleine
Miguel Negrete

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Love Does

Catherine Hamilton

10:30 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Make A Wish

Pamela Talbert

10:30 AM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Senior Art Presentations

Manifestations of Anxiety

Amanda Smith

10:30 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Culture and Religion: Exploring Issues of Representation

Mayan Medical Culture and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Katie Rose Scholles

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

Microsoft vs. Apple

Tyler Conn

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Sociological Insights on the Effect of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status

More Money, Less Problems? The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Test Anxiety

Nick Torres
Jasmine Blassingame, jasmine.blassingame@furman.edu

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Culture and Religion: Exploring Issues of Representation

Museum Ethics and Authority: History meets Anthropology

Tyler Edmond

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

NAI Earle Furman

Alice Navarro

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Senior Art Presentations

Natural Remedies

Alexis Hawkins

10:30 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Government/Legal Internships

Near East South Asian Center for Strategic Studies. National Defense University. Department of Defense

Daniel Zhang

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Neuropsychology: Research and Treatment

Chelsi Calhoun

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Over Here, Over There: Greenville in the Era of WWI Research Fellowship and Publication

Helen Mistler

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Oxygen Consumption Response to Exercise demonstration

Oxygen Consumption Response to Exercise demonstration

Brittany Houston
Landon Kay
Cameron Whitehead

10:30 AM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


Potential conflict with a large carnivore. Do Puma (Puma concolor) avoid areas of high human activity?

Sammie Chamberland

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Procrastination in Online Classrooms: Applying Behavioral Economics to the Design of Online Courses

Wendy Manrique

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

Prostitution: An Ongoing Debate in Spanish Society

Ellie Williams

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

History Majors outside the Classroom: Internships and Research

Public History Downtown: Memorializing Native American History for Greenville Water

Daniel Reese

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 108


Individual Oral Presentation

Outstanding First Year Writing Seminar

Racial Discrimination in the NFL

Carly Burkhardt

10:30 AM

Haynsworth Room (Library)

First Year Seminar

Individual Oral Presentation

Relationship between SmO2% Measured by NIRS and VO2 During Severe Intensity Intervals of Running

Lee Shearer

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Culture and Religion: Exploring Issues of Representation

Representation and Modernization in Hopi Weddings and Community

Abby CroweTipton

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

SC, Columbia

Britt Harris

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Self-Assembly with Diacetylene Alcohols on Mica

Elizabeth Garcia

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Government/Legal Internships

Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Anna Knight

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Government/Legal Internships

Senator Tim Scott's Office

Evan Norfleet

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

My Furman Pathway: Reflections on a Four-Year Journey

Senior Stories Celebrating the Furman Advantage

Jocelyn Boulware
Alexandra Harris
Ian McConnell
Sam McCoy
Emilee O'Brien
Kamber Parker
Katie Scholles
Kelly Spencer
Emma Zyriek

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 106

Individual Oral Presentation

Signal Centers

Margaret Clark

10:30 AM



Poster (tri-fold)

Signing Away Your Time: Using Autograph Count and Party Size to Estimate Wait Time for Disney Characters

Alexandra Doxey
Courtney Gale
McKenna Luzynski
Johanna Swab

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Social Norms and Global Health: a Comparative Analysis of Cultures and Health Outcomes

Emma Zibas

10:30 AM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Sociological Insights on the Effect of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic Status and its Influence on Patients’ Trust in Doctors

Taylor Haugh
Chris Bradham

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Sport Psychology: Research Strategies and Considerations

Katie Hirsch

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Stages of Identity Formastion and Perceived Quality of Life in College Students

Andrew Clinkscales

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Stone Academy School Counseling and Miracle Hill Foster Care Internship

Madalaine Doran

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Summer Internship in the Schacter memory lab at Harvard University

Jenny Sun

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Sociological Insights on the Effect of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status

Surveying Food Options in West Greenville

Maddie Allums

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

Temporal changes in thrombin levels following a spinal cord inury in chick embryos

Katherine Crosby

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

The Bechdel Test Applied to 19th Century Literature

Aubrey Connors

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

The CCC: 4 Times the Advantages, 100 Times the Homes

Haley Eckert

10:30 AM


Shi Center for Sustainability

Poster (less than 64")

French Architecture in Context

The Château of Chenonceaux

Ansley Rapson

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Château of Vaux-le-Vicomte

Bailey Verreault

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Sociological Insights on the Effect of Family Background and Socioeconomic Status

The Effect of Family Bond on Academic Achievement

Breigh Corley
Morgan Cunningham
Caitlin Reynolds

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 105


Individual Oral Presentation

The Effectiveness of Buffer Composition on Fly-Brain Chromatograms

Kirtan Kumar

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Research in Neuroscience #1

The Effects of Targeted Memory Reactivation During Sleep on Memory Consolidation: Meta Analysis

Ilya Filatov

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Race and Marriage

The Philosophy of Marriage Law: A Critique of Elizabeth Brake's "Minimal Marriage"

Emma Gibson

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Pont du Gard

Anna Doremus

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Potential of Quantum Computing Algorithms for Solving Chemistry Problems

Kunhuan Liu

10:30 AM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Research in Neuroscience #3

The Role of Dopamine Antagonists Blocking the D3 Receptor in Decreased Expression of PTSD in Mice

Lauren Girouard

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Royal Château at Blois I

Claire Pullan

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

French Architecture in Context

The Royal Château at Blois II

Alyx Labbé

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaging Spanish Culture: Reports from Madrid 2016

The Spanish LGBTQ Community: A Success Story with Room for Improvement

Kathleen Marsh

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Stability – Reliability of the BodPod for Females

Carly Garvin
Mercedes Nagel
Abigail Short

10:30 AM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Outstanding First Year Writing Seminar

The Stereotype of the Mammy Figure

Catherine Lippert

10:30 AM

Haynsworth Room (Library)

First Year Seminar

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

The Ties That Bind

Connie Dimick

10:30 AM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Chemistry Session Two

Total Synthesis of Hibiscone C

Chris Schiavone

10:30 AM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #1

Triple Play Farm

Danielle Clark

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Government/Legal Internships

U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA)

Whitney Busch

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means - Subcommittee on Tax Policy, Subcommittee on Human Resources

Crawford Lewis

10:30 AM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Uncovering the Healey Willan Piano Concerto

Uncovering the Healey Willan Piano Concerto: World Premiere in 2-Piano Arrangement

Caroline Owen

10:30 AM

Daniel Recital Hall



Race and Marriage

Understanding Myself as a White Woman: the intricacies of my role in the fight against racism

Neely Wood

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #1

Unlearning Implicit Social Biases During Sleep: A Replication Study

Graelyn Humiston

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Government/Legal Internships

US Department of State

Zachary Arons

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Government/Legal Internships

US Trade Commission

John Bleed

10:30 AM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Weather Coverage and Forecasting with WIS-TV

Mary Lib Saine

10:30 AM



Poster (less than 64")

Culture and Religion: Exploring Issues of Representation

Women and Ritual in Hinduism

Julia Britt

10:30 AM

Furman Hall 107


Individual Oral Presentation

12:00 PM

Furman Humanities Review

Furman Humanities Review (FHR) Roundtable and Reception

FHR Student Contributors

12:00 PM

Furman Hall 217; Haynsworth Commons


Individual Oral Presentation

Furman Jazz Combos at Tupelo Honey

Furman Jazz Combos at Tupelo Honey

Furman Jazz Combos

12:00 PM

Tupelo Honey



Hispanic Food Festival

Hispanic Food Festival

Sigma Delta Pi
Spanish Language House

12:00 PM

Modern Language Center (FH 226)

Modern Languages and Literatures


International Food Festival International Food Festival


12:00 PM

Watkins Room


Lactate Response to Exercise demonstration

Lactate Response to Exercise demonstration

Malia Fraioli
Frank Lara
Nathan Stevens

12:00 PM

Molnar Lab (PAC)

Health Sciences


1:00 PM

Perspectives on American Public Policy

A Role of Uncertainty: Public Opinion on Foreign Affairs in the 2016 Election

John Bleed

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 105

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #2

AGAPI Behavioral Consultants: Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) in Children with Autism

Elena Acampora

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Alice in Virtual Interview: Can power posing in virtual environments improve one's confidence and interview skills?

Alyssa Ciurlik

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Analysis of the Molecular Weight Distribution of Polyhexamethylene Biguanide using Equilibrium Dialysis, Size-Exclusion Chromatography, Dynamic Light Scattering, and Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Radhika Pandya

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Composers Forum: New works by Furman Composers


Chandler Hyatt

1:00 PM

Daniel Recital Hall



Athlete’s Social Capital Influences and Feelings of Team Cohesion

Katie Hirsch
Jessica Greene

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Authority's role in biology student learning

Evin Moore

1:00 PM


Science Education

Poster (less than 64")

Immersion Journalism

Be Happy

Max Jaskwhich

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Immersion Journalism

Behind the Beans: Working in a Coffee Shop

Sarah Cooke

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Bon Secours Wellness Arena

Mallory Ackerson

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Brevard Music Festival

Amanda Southern

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Brightworks Financial

Coleman Bramlett

1:00 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Psychology Internships Panel #2

Bringing Clarity to Children: An Overview of the Speech-Language Pathology Internship

Emily Toupin

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Build bridges, not walls”

Mckenna Luzynski
Hannah Woodson

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Interest Groups Internships

Center of International Policy

Helen Fite

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

China First Hand: Reports from China '16: Language and Cultural Immersion

Kennedi Alsop
Lauren Ellis
Morgan Fretwell
Meaghan Mary Gillis
Emily Harris
Melissa Kuester
Andrew Zinzarella

1:00 PM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Clarity Upstate Internship

Cecile Grapotte

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Internships in French: Musée Marmottan Monet (Paris) and World Relief (Spartanburg)

Conducting Art Historical Research at the Musée Mormottan in Paris, France

Plicca Watt

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Contextualizing Disease through Time and Space: CURE International

Laura Paige Penkert

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Creative Discovery Museum

Thomas Gaudin

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Immersion Journalism

Dancing Flies: Fly-Fishing in Brevard, North Carolina

Ben Lipscomb

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Deal with it”

Alex Forrest
Alana Parish
Johnsen Xu

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Deep Roots & Complex Webs: An Analysis of the Root Causes and Complexities of Health Inequities Around the World

Kjersti Kleine

1:00 PM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Immersion Journalism

Design of Choice: Three-Dimensional Embroidery

Alicia Pitts

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

DFS Creative Concepts

Claudia Bove

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Morality and the Life Well Lived

Disgust, the "Civilized" Emotion: Moral Disgust, Necrophilia, and the Law

Sabrina Boone

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Distributed Consensus Protocol Viability

Brady Coye

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Perspectives on American Public Policy

Do We Have it All Wrong? Augustine on Jesus in Civil Societies

Kaitlyn Pugh

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 105

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Donme, Thessaloniki’s New Mosque

Abbey Hockett

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Psychology Internships Panel #2

Early Childhood Development: From Research to Policy at the Institute for Child Success

Alyx Labbe

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Biology Research

Effects of poultry rearing facilities on stream water quality in the South Carolina Piedmont.

Utkarsh Mishra

1:00 PM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Effects of Solvent on Electrochemistry of Biogenic Amines in Non-Mammalian Systems

Sydney Wright

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #2

Exploring the Behavior and Development of Title 1 Elementary School Students in Multiple Settings

Katie Mauro

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Florence Duomo

Celia Luck-Leonard

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Service Learning Across Disciplines

FOCUS on Corrymeela: Reflections on Northern Ireland

Madison Allen
Caroline Daly
Chambers English
Sophie Harris
Payton Isner
Marina Sorial
Rob Cain
JaLisa Decker
Sam Fowler
Lauren Hood
Emily Matthews
Richard Wetherill

1:00 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Center for Vocational Reflection


Health Sciences Internship

Gastroenterology Associates

Lacey Porter

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Gastroenterology Associates

Emily Gale

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Global Health Inequities: Social Determinants of Health in Bali, Indonesia

Brittany Alvarez

1:00 PM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Interest Groups Internships

Global Voice Hall Live

Nicole Hyman

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

GLOW Lyric Theater

James Douglas

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Granada: Alhambra

Corrine Helman

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Graphitic carbon nitride synthesis by templating on colloidal silica

Zack Miller

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Internships in Communication Studies

Greenville Drive

Emily Judge

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Grove Hall Academy Web Site Development

Nora Duesterhaus

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Senior Art Presentations

Growing Pains

Haley Hughes

1:00 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Halogen bond strength analysis from crystallographic data using quantum mechanical calculations and Hirshfeld surface analysis

Kunhuan Liu

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

"Heeere’s Johnny!" The Relationship between Horror Film Exposure and Death Anxiety

Matthew Batson
Kendall Krebs

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Internships in Communication Studies

High Spirits Hospitality

Simone Corpora

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Homes of Hope, Inc.

Alexandra Harris

1:00 PM


Urban Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

How Far Did We Get? Touring Disney

Danny Rivers

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Senior Art Presentations

I Have A Lot On My Plate Right Now

Alyssa Page

1:00 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Immobilization of Luminescent Probes via Self Assembly

Jason Kolleda

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Senior Art Presentations


Steven Soto

1:00 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

JSE16 Religion in Anime and Manga

Alissa Rivers

1:00 PM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

JSE16 The Controversy of the Yasukuni Shrine

Jordan Grissop

1:00 PM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

JSE16 The Influence of Greek Medicine and Philosophies on Japanese Medicine

Justin Chang

1:00 PM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Juli Hapney, Makeup Artist

William Drake Shadwell

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts

Poster (tri-fold)

Health Sciences Internship

Kidnetics and Advanced Therapy Solutions

Carlee Campbell

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

Landscapes in Type

Rowan Griscom

1:00 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Leftovers: the Forgotten Effects of a Good Life

Leftovers: the Forgotten Effects of a Good Life

Chambers English
Sophis Friis
Haley Disinger
Celia Castellano
Sophia Pessagno
William Ridley

1:00 PM

Shi Center

Shi Center for Sustainability


Psychology Internships Panel #2

Let's Saddle Up Therapeutic Horsemanship Center

Rachel Keith

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Morality and the Life Well Lived

Levinas, Hospitality, and the Possibility of Authentic Life

Maia Wellborn

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

LiveWell Greenville

Maura Drewry

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Medical Legal Partnership

Mary Frances Dennis

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Meeting People Where They Are: Healthcare with Context

Ryan Hall

1:00 PM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Michelle Marie PR

Shannon Hessen

1:00 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Interest Groups Internships

Migration and Refugee Services

Alexis Muhumure

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

More Money, Less Problems? The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Test Anxiety

Nick Torres
Jasmine Blassingame, jasmine.blassingame@furman.edu

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

More Reliable than Humans?: Can Computers Hold People Accountable?

Ben Beck

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“More than a GER”

Kaeli Czosek
Alexandra Doxey
Alex Murdoch

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

Anna Sillars

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Nasha Lending

Justin Kane

1:00 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

National Orchestral Institute

Hayden Wilson

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Interest Groups Internships

National Republican Senatorial Committee

Ashley West

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Old South Carriage Company

Georgia Compton

1:00 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Older Women in the Workplace: How Does the Perception of Discrimination Alter Impressions of Employee Termination?

Madison Dennis

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Open Retromuscular Repair of Parastomal Hernias

Bryan Knoedler
L.R. Beffa, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
A.M. Carbonell, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
W.S. Cobb, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery
J.A. Ewing
J.A. Warren, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Greenville, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Open Source in Chemistry Education

Daniela Mesa Sanchez

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Biology Research

Optimization of Multiplex Luminex Assays using Non-human Primate Sera

Neely Wood

1:00 PM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Package InSight

Donald Palmer

1:00 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Pantheon, Rome

Bonnie Williams

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Parties Will Be Separated: An Analysis of Single Rider Lines in Walt Disney World

Alyssa Ciurlik
Jamie Fravel
Zack Miller
Caroline Trammell

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Performance QSA

Adekunle Olusanya

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Biology Research

Phylogenetic and geographic distribution of nickel hyperaccumulation in neotropical Psychotria (Rubiaceae)

Grace McCartha

1:00 PM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Immersion Journalism

Pirates, Mermaids, and Sea Lions, Oh My: Myrtle Beach Tourism

Annamarie Guest

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Interest Groups Internships

Potomac Advocates

Everett Haugh

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Prague Summer Nights Festival

Mary McKinnis

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Internships in French: Musée Marmottan Monet (Paris) and World Relief (Spartanburg)

Providing Interpreting and Translation Services for World Relief in Spartanburg, SC

Emma Waters

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 110

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #2

Psychiatric Hospital Internship

Alli Peipert

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Composers Forum: New works by Furman Composers

Quartet for Flute, Horn, Cello, and Percussion

J. Jay Berthume

1:00 PM

Daniel Recital Hall



Senior Synthesis Presentations

Quinto: A Night with Zachary Quinto

Dakota Adams

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts


The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“Race to bilingualism”

Brennan Barry
Jennifer Coggins

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Composers Forum: New works by Furman Composers

Reed Quintet (oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, bassoon)

Haochen Tan

1:00 PM

Daniel Recital Hall



Interest Groups Internships

Refugee Resettlement in Charlotte, NC. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Charlotte.

Noah Zimmermann

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Regulation of gene expression and cell adhesion by the transcription factor SRF in breast cancer cells.

Luke Eldredge
JaLisa Decker

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Relationship between SmO2% Measured by NIRS and VO2 During Recovery Periods of Endurance Exercise

Nicholas Hayden
Abby Muhly

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Safeguarding against software piracy

Sean Pryhoda

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Self-Monitoring Innovations Online

Patrick Musau

1:00 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Senior Synthesis Presentations

Shakespeare Start-up: An Introduction to Romeo and Juliet

Sarah Cushman

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts


Silver cation interactions with DNA.

Martin Gillan

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Sistine Chapel frescoes, Rome

KP Peterson

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Perspectives on American Public Policy

Social Media Use, Language Proficiency, and the Hispanic Vote

Jeffrey Tonge

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 105

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Solvatochromism in Complexes with Fe(II) to Ti(IV) Charge Transfer

Elizabeth Carlton

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Composers Forum: New works by Furman Composers

Songs for Walter (voice and piano)

Robert Cushing

1:00 PM

Daniel Recital Hall



Soteria, Mere Christianity Forum Servant Scholars Program

Noah Trotter

1:00 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Internships in Communication Studies

South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities

Addison DeLancey

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Synthesis Presentations

Starry Night: A Practice in Designing Sensory Theatre Experiences

Lauren Girouard

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts


Health Sciences Internship

Student Health Services

Gabrielle Woodruff

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Summer at YouthBase

Jessica McDowell

1:00 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Immersion Journalism

Terrific Lady Beekeepers

Ellie Hewett

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Synthesis Presentations

The Almost: An Ode to the Could-have-beens

Kenzie Wynne

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts


The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The benefits of hiring bilingual teachers”

Hannah Dubois
Gema Hevia
JK McAvoy

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

The Effect of Family Bond on Academic Achievement

Breigh Corley
Morgan Cunningham
Caitlin Reynolds

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

The Effect of Smartphone Use versus Waking Rest on Concept Learning

Jasmine McMilan
Kaitlin Marakoff

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #2

The Greenville Drive: Behind the Scenes in Professional Sport

Rose Hull

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Perspectives on American Public Policy

The Influence of Lobbying on American Light Rail Policy

Jack Zuckerman

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 105

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Biology Research

The Influence of Poultry Rearing Facilities on Streams and Stream Fish in the Upper Savannah River Basin

Jocelyn Stalker

1:00 PM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

The Internal Consistency of the BodPod

Andrew Clinkscales
Donovan Franks

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Phony Express: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Carol Lewis

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The problem is us”

Haley Lyman
Taylor Thomas
Ellie Williams

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #2

The Role of the D3 Receptor in Alcohol Consumption in PTSD Swiss Webster Mice

Ben Otto Sunderman

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

The Stability – Reliability of the BodPod for Males

Barrett Maddox
Chuck McAllister-Ashley
Logan McCarter

1:00 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

The Importance of Bilingualism: Public Service Announcements Movie Premiere

“The value of language classes: Communication on the playground”

Becca Bosch
Susannah Lauber
Kate Wilson

1:00 PM

Burgess Theatre; Trone Center

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

Service Learning Across Disciplines

The VITA Service Learning Project – Business and Accounting Majors Making a Difference in our Community

Laura Woodside
Stacey Dorogy
Anne Claire Pittman
Muhammad Zakaria Shafqut

1:00 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Theatre West Virginia

John Nelson

1:00 PM


Theatre Arts

Poster (tri-fold)

Thermodynamic Binding Characterization of Cr(III) diimine Complexes and DNA Utilizing Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Spectrophotometric Titration and Equilibrium Dialysis

Daniel Monteith

1:00 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Engaged Learning: Study Away in Spain, Italy and Greece

Toledo Cathedral: mural of Holy Child of La Guardia

Elise Metzger

1:00 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern



Research in Neuroscience #2

Transcranial Alternating-Current Stimulaton and Wakeful Memory Consolidation

Nathan Moliterno

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Use of Puberty Suppressants in Transgendered Youth

Devon Horine

1:00 PM


Medicine, Health, and Culture

Poster (less than 64")

Biology Research

Using soundscape indices to understand the effects of sound on diversity and communication

Alec Schindler

1:00 PM

Patrick Lecture Hall; TSC 126


Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Village Wrench

Danielle Clark

1:00 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #2

Will Blocking the Brain's Dopamine D3 Receptor Decrease the Expression of PTSD in Mice?

Wade Miller

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #2

Will Blocking the Dopamine D3 Receptor Decrease the Intravenous (IV) Self-Administration of Morphine in PTSD Rats?

Jackson Perry

1:00 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

2:30 PM

A Health-Focused Fitness Monitoring App

Minseon Lee

2:30 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Encounter at the Ark

Academic Biblical Scholarship and Creationist Readings of Genesis

Jake Hansen
Evan Talbert

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Adventure Ad Agency

Hope Kelly

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Multi-Disciplinary Research

Aesthetic Urban Planning

Sarah Cooke

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 111


Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

AGAPI Behavioral

Caroline Stanton

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Sexual Ethics

"Ain't I a Bitch"

Chelsea Dawson

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Alice: Is it more than an educational tool?

Rachel Celestine

2:30 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Alphadyne Asset Management

Tucker Erdmann

2:30 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Education Policy and Health

Analyzing 1:1 Programs in Public Schools

Julia Reynolds

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT): Effectivesness as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention.

Daneille Clark

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Applications of SLAM to Mapping Underwater Environments

Michael Headley

2:30 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Are You Fast or Are You Last?: An Exploration of the Benefit of FastPass+ in Walt Disney World

Maria Bartlett
Lindsay Eddy
Mary Lib Saine
Molly Petersen

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Internships in Communication Studies


Ashley West

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

#BAErack Obama: How a College Student’s Socioeconomic Status Influences their Perspective on Barack Obama’s Legacy

Laurin Bixby
Nicole Hyman

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Chinese Politics and Society

Business Ethics Matters!

Sky Brilliandt

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 107

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Business Health, Greenville Health System

Tiffany Pons

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #1

Characterization of the Igf-1 System in the CNS of Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)

Carter Jardon

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Charleston Home and Design Magazine

Paige Stover

2:30 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Non-Profit Internships

Charter Oak Cultural Center

Emilee O'Brien

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

China First Hand: Reports from China '16: National Trips and Local Excursions

Amber DeSantis
Dina Estrada Ruiz
Austin Gardner
Bebe Martinez
Alex Robinson
Isabel Snyder
Kayla Wong

2:30 PM


Asian Studies

Poster (less than 64")

Chinese Politics and Society

Chinese Investment and Influence in the United States Commercial Real Estate Market

Jackson Belcher

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 107

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Multi-disciplinary Research

Chiral Vibrations and Collective Bands in 104 Mo

Brooks Musangu

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 111


Individual Oral Presentation

Click Inhibition of HMGA Binding

Daniela Mesa Sanchez

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Health Sciences Internship

Clinical Outcomes of Term Elective Induction of Labor with Unripe Cervix

Colleen Christensen

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Community Journals

Kamber Parker

2:30 PM


Communication Studies

Poster (tri-fold)

Senior Synthesis Presentations

Creating a Moment

Haley Brown

2:30 PM


Theatre Arts


Encounter at the Ark

Creation Museum

Rebecca Lankford
Ellie Hewett

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Dating Furman

Phebe Huth
Mary Kate Frey
Julia Norton

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Dear Freshman Me

Crystal Brockington
Mallory Ackerson
Alice Navarro

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Demographics of mule deer puma prey in south-central New Mexico

Nathan Vogt

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Internships in Communication Studies

DFS Creative Concepts

Julia Piotrowski

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Discovery of Radioactivity and Radioactive Decay

Thomas Trankle
Ryan Conlogue
McIver Reibold
Patrick Musau
Brooks Musangu

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

DOI Analysis with the NCBI Knowledgebase

Matthew Cowell
Ahmed Mustafa

2:30 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Research in Neuroscience #3

Dopamine D3 Antagonism Decreases alcohol consumption in a PTSD rat model

Drew Kern

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Downtown Furman

Susannah Pazdan
Annie Sanford
Claudia Leslie

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Senior Art Presentations


Catherine Hamilton

2:30 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Education Policy and Health

Education Policy: Are Charters the Right Choice?

Hannah Warren

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Effects of a high fat diet on cognition: microbes and vascularization

Lindsay DiBerardo
Katharine Olson

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Election 2016

Ellie White
Anna Wilson
Chase Belk

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Electron Spin Resonance Investigation of Solvated Electrons in a Neon Matrix

Xiaoyi Liu

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Erbium Doped LaF3 Nanoparticle Doped Optical Fiber

Amber Vargas

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Festival Lyrique International de Belle-Ile-en-Mer

Sandra Sharis

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

The Echo, Furman's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine


Emily Matthews

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

FIT Rx: Exercise is Medicine

Nicholas Hayden
Rachael Holtsclaw
Kathryn D'Ablemont

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Food for Thought: Children’s Knowledge of the Origins and Sources of Food

Katie Mauro

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")


Elizabeth Coyle

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Non-Profit Internships

Furman Advantage Alleviating Poverty in a Fragile State: The Case of Honduras

Caroline Byrd

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Furman University Football

JD Tuten

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Furman University Ticket Office

Sarah Mohr

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Visual Anthropology Films

Furman University's Hounds of North Village

Furman Undergraduate 1
Furman Undergraduate 2

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Gender Composition and Group Involvement

Emily Martin
Matt Reeve

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Grace Church

Meghan Gillogly

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Non-Profit Internships

Greer Development

Jose Bailey

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

The Echo, Furman's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine


Sarah Luke

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Happy Hooves, Eden Farms

Madi LaChance

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Encounter at the Ark

Historiographical Issues in the Ark Experience

Caroline Walker
Ashton Hunt

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

Encounter at the Ark

History of Young Earth Creationism

Rachel Phillips
Paul Barnhill

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

HMGA Binding Disruption Through Selective Modification of DNA

Haley Stubbs

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #3

Human Resources Internship at Nestlé India

Aishwarya Tripathi

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival


Crystal Brockington

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Inhibition of Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase by Hibiscone C

Caroline Besley

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #3

Interning with the Meditation Center

Ruth Hays

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Internship at PEP: Preventing the Summer Slide

Maddie Gonzalez

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Psychology Internships Panel #3

Internship at the Syracuse University Psychology Department

Rosemary Andrews

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Investigating the DNA Binding Behavior of Cr(III) Diimine Systems Capable of Inducing DNA Photooxidation

David Watts

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Islide, Inc.

Christina Nguyen

2:30 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Jump Start Foundry

Kyle McLagan

2:30 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Knightly News Broadcast


2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Education Policy and Health

Like Body, Like Mind: Links between Daily Physical Education and the Fluid Intelligence and Fitness Levels of Underserved Middle School Youth

Abigail Short
Haley Holan

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

LiveWell Greenville

Laura Paige Penkert

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Living the Furman Advantage: The United Way-Furman University Grant Project

Living the Furman Advantage: The United Way-Furman University Grant Project

Sebastián Barbosa
Alex Forrest
Michael Robinson
Katy Waters

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 127

Modern Languages and Literatures

Individual Oral Presentation

McGuire Woods

Samin Mossavi

2:30 PM


Politics and International Affairs

Poster (tri-fold)

Non-Profit Internships

Monroe Carrel Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt

London Anderson

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Synthesis Presentations

No Regrets, Only Content

Sal Donzella

2:30 PM


Theatre Arts


Psychology Internships Panel #3

North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation Internship

Kieran Cook

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Observing the Gravitational Deflection of Light During the 2017 Solar Eclipse

Observing the Gravitational Deflection of Light During the 2017 Solar Eclipse

Scott Simon
Dillon Woodruff

2:30 PM



Individual Oral Presentation

The Echo, Furman's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine

"On October 29th" and "The Day I Chose Buddhism Over Baseball"

Jared Buchholz

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Oriental Medicine Associates

Danielle Tyler

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (tri-fold)

Chinese Politics and Society

Pediatric Obesity in China: Trends and Responses

Nathaniel Stevens

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 107

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Piedmont Health Foundation

Kjersti Kleine

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

Plausible Anatomy of the Strictly Imaginary

Darby Moore

2:30 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Visual Anthropology Films

Poe Mill Skate Tribe

Heather Brame
Izzy Michell

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Multi-disciplinary Research

Reconciling Folk Beliefs with Established Religion in the Philippines

Kibibi Thorsen

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 111

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Research in Neuroscience #3

Regionalization of cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the CNS of mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)

Tergel Erdenetsogt

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Synthesis Presentations

Reinventing Trailer Trash

Cody Evins

2:30 PM


Theatre Arts


Relationships Between Poultry Farms and Bacterial Abundance in Streams of the Upper Savannah River Basin, South Carolina

Cullen Carter

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Visual Anthropology Films

Russ from P2X

Claudia Leslie
Jordan McNeill

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Non-Profit Internships

Safe Harbor

Rachel Phillips

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Art Presentations

Santa Margherita, Journey to Sainthood

Paris Bermudes

2:30 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Encounter at the Ark

Scientific Issues in the Ark Experience

Alex Scott
Walker Upchurch

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

Sexual Ethics

Sex Education, Rape Culture, and Sexual Assault: The Vicious Cycle

Anna Lanford

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Multi-disciplinary Research

Shared vs. Virtual Reality: Best Mock Interview Environment

Andreea Cirstea

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 111

Computer Science

Individual Oral Presentation

Silver clusters and DNA ligands.

Yinglu Wang

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

The Echo, Furman's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine

"Simple Syrup" and "There is No Cookie Butter When you Die"

Maddie DePree

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Senior Synthesis Presentations

Simply Theatre

Sam Nelson

2:30 PM


Theatre Arts


Senior Art Presentations

Sisterhood of the Traveling Table

Candler Reynolds

2:30 PM

Littlejohn Lecture Room; Roe Art Building


Individual Oral Presentation

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Social Media and Women Empowerment

Lauren Ellis
Imani King
Julie Esworthy

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Socioeconomic Status and its Influence on Patients’ Trust in Doctors

Taylor Haugh
Chris Bradham

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")


William Sullivan (Sully) Hart

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

South Carolina Helmet Law

Simone Corpora

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Senior Synthesis Presentations

Speak the Speech I Pray You

Clare Ruble

2:30 PM


Theatre Arts


Non-Profit Internships

Springwell Church

Laken Weaver

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Steadman-Hawkins Orthopaedics Research

Michala Burges

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Education Policy and Helath

Strong Body, Strong Mind: An Investigation of the Impact of Daily Physical Education on Perceptual Speed and PACER Laps Over Time Among Elementary School Youth

Haley Holan
Abigail Short

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 110

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Health Sciences Internship

Student Health Services

Emily Sandlin

2:30 PM

PAC 116

Health Sciences

Individual Oral Presentation

Student Recital

Student recital

Jordan Chase
Mollie Foster
Sam Johnson
Matthew Martin
Savannah York

2:30 PM

Danial Recital Hall



Studying DNA polymorphisms via thermodynamic measurements.

Marianna Fuenmayor Llanos

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #3

T.O.T.A.L. Ministries: Working to End Poverty in Spartanburg, SC

Delaney Dalton

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Internships in Communication Studies

Table 301

Kayla Cartee

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Sexual Ethics

The Benefits of Friends with Benefits: Why More Women Should Enter into FWB Relationships

Madison Dennis

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 128


Individual Oral Presentation

Research from Business and Accounting

The Business Case for Economic Freedom: The Importance of Integrating the Index of Economic Freedom into the International Marketing Curriculum

Zach Graves

2:30 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Chinese Politics and Society

The Chinese Real Estate Bubble as a Comparison to the Japanese Real Estate Bubble.

Stephen Wierzbicki

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 107

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

The effect of thrombin on astocyte proliferation

Robert Schmidt

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Visual Anthropology Films

The Furman Library: Catering to Students

Andrew Cromer
Shane Roberts

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

The Half Life of Radon 222 and Polonium 218

Sara Vanovac

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Visual Anthropology Films

The Happiest Hour at the Woodlands

Hanna Arata
Sam Fowler

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Encounter at the Ark

The History and Design of the Ark Experience

Nell Herring
Kaitlyn Pugh

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 109


Individual Oral Presentation

Research from Business and Accounting

The Impact of Buybacks on Corporate R&D Investment Decisions

Giang Nguyen

2:30 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

The Influence of Gender Composition of Films on the Portrayal of Mental Health Conditions

Payton Baker
Kassy Potamis

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Research in Neuroscience #3

The Influence of Sleep vs. Waking Rest on Concept Learning and Declarative Memory

Kyleigh Sage

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

The Julie Valentine Center and Pendelton Place

Ellie Williams

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Visual Anthropology Films

The Lake Debate

Connor Lynch

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Psychology Internships Panel #3

The Lowder Group: Assessment Intern

Meghan Althoff

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

The Orr Group, LLC

Eric Jennings

2:30 PM


Business and Accounting

Poster (tri-fold)

Research in Neuroscience #3

The PDGF-PDGFR signaling pathway as a potential targeted therapy to reduce retinoblastoma cell survival and increase apoptosis

Maddie Ritter

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 208


Individual Oral Presentation

The placebo effect of caffeine: A meta-analytic review of the literature

Renee White

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Visual Anthropology Films

The Seniors’ Show

Catherine Hamilton

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

The Steadman-Hawkins Foundation

Tyler Seckel

2:30 PM


Health Sciences

Poster (less than 64")

Psychology Internships Panel #3

The University of Tennesee: Sports Psychology Lab

Jennifer O'Reilly

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 201


Individual Oral Presentation

Theatre West Virginia

Elisha Caterisano

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Travelers Rest: Harvest Market and Bluegrass Festival

Phebe Huth

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


Non-Profit Internships

Upstate International

Sheldon Roper

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 109

Politics and International Affairs

Individual Oral Presentation

Using the yeast estrogen screen to evaluate the estrogenicity of algal-derived compounds in sea anemones

Grant Murphy
Emily Burkart

2:30 PM



Poster (less than 64")

Internships in Communication Studies

Vs. Cancer Foundation

Caroline Masters

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 108

Communication Studies

Individual Oral Presentation

Communication Studies Electronic Media Festival

Walk or Bike to School in Greenville

Hannah Houck

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 214; McEachern

Communication Studies


The Echo, Furman's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine

"Wasteland" and "Fall"

Lauren Zimmerman

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 106


Individual Oral Presentation

Wearable Haptics: Using the Sense of Touch to Convey Information

Madeline Bauer

2:30 PM


Computer Science

Poster (less than 64")

Visual Anthropology Films

Welcome Home

Ann Ludlow
Libby Mackow

2:30 PM

Johns Hall 101


Individual Oral Presentation

Westminster Choir College

Lilla Keith

2:30 PM



Poster (tri-fold)

Research from Business and Accounting

What Makes Micro Finance Successful?

Kuda Chinyama

2:30 PM

Hipp Hall 104

Business and Accounting

Individual Oral Presentation

Chines Politics and Society

What’s Happening In Xinjiang? Religion, Ethnicnationalism, and Terrorism in State-Ethnic Relations

Allie Powell

2:30 PM

Furman Hall 107

Asian Studies

Individual Oral Presentation