"Socio-Cultural History of Furman Lake" by Caye Burry, Erin Cain et al.
Socio-Cultural History of Furman Lake

Socio-Cultural History of Furman Lake


Streaming Media

Scholarship Type

Student Scholarship

Publication Date


City and State

Greenville, South Carolina


A six minute, twenty second audio recording created by Furman students from the COM-95 class that describes the cultural significance of the Furman Lake, and it's importance to the Furman Community. Alumni and students reflect on the social history of the lake, sharing memories of recreational events and Furman Lake traditions, like being thrown into the lake on your birthday. It concludes with a call to restore the lake's environmental integrity.


Furman University, Environmental sciences, Lakes, Lake restoration, Ecological integrity, Sound recordings

Additional Affiliated Department, Center or Institute

Biology, Communication Studies, Earth and Environmental Science


Biology | Earth Sciences | Environmental Sciences


Copyright held by author(s). Materials are intended for non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, and are not to be reproduced or distributed without written permission.

Socio-Cultural History of Furman Lake
