Video interview of Dr. Ed Jones, 1954 Furman graduate, history professor, and first Department Chair of the Asian Studies Department at Furman. Dr. Jones begins by giving his history, growing up in Saluda County, going into the Marine Corps, and afterwards, starting Furman in 1949. He descibes the old Furman campus, downtown Greenville, and talks of the history courses he took as a student. Dr. Jones speaks about graduate school and his first teaching job, and how he came back to Furman to become a professor. He shares memories of President John Plyler, and a few anecdotes. Dr. Jones gives details of Furman's development of Asian history courses. He mentions Dr. Frank Bonner, and the development of Furman's faculty over the years, talks about the development of the foreign study program and the Asian Studies Department. Dr. Jones briefly talks about integration at Furman, and President Blackwell and Dr. Bonner during that time. He also discusses the growing diversity of Greenville, SC, throughout his years at Furman.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; College teachers; Alumni and alumnae
Recommended Citation
Jones, Ed and Tollison, Courtney, "Ed Jones Oral History" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 17.
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