Video interview of Elizabeth Peace Stall, Furman Trustee and Founding President of the Peace Center for the Performing Arts. Mrs. Stall begins speaking about growing up in Greenville, SC. She gives a brief family history and speaks about their business in the newspaper, radio, and television industry. Her father went to Furman in the late 1920's, and she talks about the scholarships her family has given to Furman. Mrs. Stall gives details of the development of the Peace Center, talks about her involvement in community development, St. Francis Hospital , PTA's, and gives details of her involvement with the desegregation of the Greenville County Schools. Mrs. Stall speaks of her time serving as a trustee for Furman, Hollins College, and Presbyterian College. She talks about her thoughts on Furman as a young girl, and Furman's relationship with the city of Greenville, how it was, and how it is currently, and talks about Max Heller and the development of the Greenville downtown area. She mentions Presidents David Shi, John Johns, and Gordon Blackwell, and talks about being a Furman Trustee and the issues she deals with at the university. Mrs. Stall closes the interview speaking about her involment in the Community Foundation of Greater Greenville, her father's love of Furman basketball, and attending the Furman game in 1954 when Frank Selvy scored 100 points.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; College trustees; Greenville (S.C.)
Recommended Citation
Stall, Elizabeth Peace and Tollison, Courtney, "Elizabeth Peace Stall Oral History" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 18.
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