"Gary Clark Oral History" by Gary Clark, Andrew Barksdale et al.
Furman University Oral Histories

Streaming Media


Audio interview with Dr. Gary Clark,1974 Furman graduate, and the current Athletic Director at Furman University. In this 2008 interview, Dr. Clark shares with current students his experiences playing on one of the first integrated basketball teams at Furman, discussing race relations on the team, at Furman, and in the Greenville community. He talks about the difference in race relations as he came from his home in Chicago to the South in 1970, to play college basketball. Dr. Clark mentions other controversial issues at the time like long hair and clothing styles. He discusses the change he's seen in diversity from his time as a basketball player in the early 1970's to a present day Furman administrator. Dr. Clark talks of current diversity issues in college coaching and recruiting and discusses how Furman handles these issues.

Scholarship Type

Faculty Scholarship

Publication Date


City and State

Greenville (S.C.)


Furman University; History; Oral histories; Basketball players; Segregation; Alumni and alumnae


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Gary Clark Oral History



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