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Audio interview with Dr. Hardy S. Clemons, Furman Trustee Emeritus, and former pastor of the First Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. Dr. Clemons is a 1955 graduate of Texas Tech University, and later earned a Doctorate of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Furman in 1994. In this 2004 oral history, Dr. Clemons discusses his work in civil rights early in his career in Texas. He tells of how he came to Greenville First Baptist, and how his relationship with Furman began. Dr. Clemons tells of his friendships with Gordon Blackwell, John Johns, and David Shi. He details the changing nature of the Southern Baptist Convention throughout the 1970s and 1980s, how it affected Greenville First Baptist, and gives his opinions regarding the causes and effects of the split between Furman and the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Dr. Clemons discusses the split between Greenville First Baptist and the Southern Baptist Convention as well. He discusses Furman's religious identity since the early 1990's, and speaks of some controversial issues the board faced during his tenure as a trustee.
Scholarship Type
Faculty Scholarship
Publication Date
City and State
Greenville (S.C.)
Furman University; History; Oral histories; College trustees; Baptists
Recommended Citation
Clemons, Hardy S. and Tollison, Courtney, "Hardy S. Clemons Oral History" (2004). Furman University Oral Histories. 23.
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